<Original>Simultaneous Synthesis and Densification of α-Zr(N) by Self- Propagating Combustion under Nitrogen Pressure
Miyamoto Yoshinari
Department Of Nano Micro Structure Control Smart Processing Research Center Joining And Welding Rese
MIYAMOTO Yoshinari
Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University
Department of Molecular Science and Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Doshisha University
Hirota K
Doshisha Univ. Kyo‐tanabe
Hirota Ken
Department Of
Yamad Osamu
College of Education, Osaka Industrial University
Miyamoto Y
Department Of Nano Micro Structure Control Smart Processing Research Center Joining And Welding Rese
Yamad Osamu
College Of Education Osaka Industrial University
Miyamoto Yoshinari
Joining And Welding Research Institute Osaka University
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