- 論文の詳細を見る
This study was designed to evaluate the efficary of human recombinant superoxide dismutase (rh-SOD) for the prevention of myocardial reperfusion injury as a free radical scavenger. A ^<31>P-nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer (^<31>P-NMR) was used to the monitor changes of myocardial adenosine triphosphate (ATP), creatine phosphate (CrP), inorganic phosphate (Pi) and intracellular pH. Myocardial tissue lipid peroxide was measured by the thiobarbituric acid (TBA) method. All data were described as mean values ± SE. Forty isolated Japanese white rabbit hearts were initially subjected to 30 minutes of control perfusion with Krebs-Henseleite bicarbonate buffer solution (K-H) at 37℃. Subsequently, the hearts were divided into 4 groups according to the order or normothermic global ischemic duration ; the global ischemic duration was 60 minutes in group 1 (n=10), 45 minutes in group 2 (n=10), 30 minutes in group 3 (n=10) and 15 minutes in group 4 (n=10). After the global ischemia, five hearts in each group received a bolus injection of 60,000 IU of rh-SOD, respectively (SOD(+) and SOD(-)). All 40 hearts received 60 minutes of normothermic reperfusion with K-H. During the reperfusion in group 3,SOD(+) caused a significantly higher recovery of myocardial ATP content than SOD(-) : in 30 minutes of reperfusion with SOD(+), it was 62.8±2.8% of the control whereas with SOD(-) it was 44.2±7.2% of the control, p<0.05 and 60 minutes of reperfusion with SOD(+) it was 66.1±4.8% of the control whereas with SOD(-) it was 43.2±6.0% of the control, p<0.05. Also the lipid peroxide content in the myocardial tissue was significantly low with SOD (+) of group 3 (SOD (+) : 0.226±0.015nmol/mg protein vs SOD(-) : 0.314±0.03nmol/mg protein, p<0.05). However, in group 1,2 and 4,Pi, CrP, ATP, intracellular pH and lipid peroxide values showed no significant differences between the reperfusion with SOD(+) and SOD(-). In conclusion, rh-SOD lowered the free radical production in the myocardium and this was followed by the good myocardial recovery at the period of the reperfusion.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1995-12-25
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