<原著>気道攣縮時の肺循環動態 : ネコ還流摘出肺における気道攣縮と低酸素負荷時の肺血管攣縮におよぼす交感神経遮断薬の影響
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There are many reports about the correlation between the sympathetic nervous system and the hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV), but there are few reports about the sympathetic nervous system and the HPV when it is accompanied with bronchospasm as observed in bronchial asthma. The sympathetic nervous system has been considered to play a minor role on the HPV. In our study the β-blockade did not influence the HPV. Therefore, we studied about the role of the sympathetic nervous system for the HPV under bronchospasm, and tried to clarify the correlation of pulmonary circulation and ventilation on bronchial asthma fit with hypoxemia. In the isolated perfused cat lungs, we induced bronchospasms during ventilation with hypoxic gases. The bronchospasm was induced by injecting either histamine or acetylcholine into the trachea to avoid a specific response. Under this condition, we perfused the α_1-, α_2-, β_1- or β_2-blockade. The HPV under bronchospasm induced by histamine was attenuated by the non-selective β-blockade (propranolol), the β_1-blockade (acebutolol, metoprolol) and the β_2-blockade (butoxamine) equally. The HPV under the bronchospasm induced by acetylcholine was equally attenuated by acebutolol and metoprolol. The HPV under this condition was not attenuated by the α_1-blockade (prazosin) or the α_2-blockade (yohimbine). The HPV under the bronchospasm induced by either histamine or acetylcholine was attenuated by the β_1- or β_2-blockade, but was not attenuated by the α_1- or α_2-blockade. The β_1- and β_2-adrenoceptors have been suggested to increase the tonus of the pulmonary vessel under the condition of bronchospasm and hypoxia, but not the α_1-nor α_2-adrenoceptor. Thus differing from HPV which is not accompanied with bronchospasm, the β_1- and β_2-adrenoceptors may influence the HPV when accompanied with bronchospasm. These findings imply that the β_1- and β_2-adrenoceptors also influence the tonus of the pulmonary vessel of bronchia1 asthma when the attack is complicated with hypoxemia.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1994-03-25
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- 3 Histamine 誘発気道攣縮および低酸素状態における propranolol の及ぼす影響 : ネコ摘出還流肺を用いた研究
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- Effect of beta-blocker on muscarine acetylcholine receptor.