- 論文の詳細を見る
We examined the changes in the sensitivity of the vascular smooth muscles of the autografted artery to certain agents as a simple model of the artery in the vascularized free tissue transplantation. Twelve-weeks-old female Wistar rats each weighing 150-180 g were used. The femoral arteries were transplanted to the same place as they were. The changes in tension of the transplanted artery were observed isometrically. Cumulative dose-response curves for contractions by noradrenaline (NA) and serotonin (5-HT) was shifted to the left and ED_<50> values were decreased at an early phase (one and two weeks) after operation and then they returned to the control level. Cumulative dose-response curves for prospaglandin F_2α (PGF_2α)-and K-ion-induced contractions did not change at all times after operation. In the study of the contraction induced by stimulation of intrinsic nerves, the transplanted arteries showed no response at two weeks and slight response at eight weeks after operation. Histochemical studies of adrenergic nerves in the transplanted arteries were performed by means of glyoxylic acid. The adrenergic nerve fibers disappeared at two weeks after operation and reappeared at eight weeks after operation. The time when the nerve fiber disappeared coincided with the phase of the occurence of the increase in the sensitivity to NA and 5-TH. Therefore we conclude that the increase in sensitivity to NA and 5-HT in the autografted artery at an early phase (one and two weeks) after operation is due to denervation supersensitivity, possibly the presynaptic one. We emphasize the importance of relieving the pain and excitation after operation and of the use of antagonists of agents such as NA or 5-TH.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1991-03-25
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