<原著>Phosphorus 31-nuclear magnetic resonanceによる心筋保護効果の検討
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The effect of temperature of the blood cardioplegia administered at induction and just before reperfusion on the energy metabolism was evaluated with phosphorus 31-nuclear magnetic resonance (31P-NMR) spectrometer in rabbit hearts. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), creatine phosphate (CrP) and inorganic phosphate (Pi) were measured in the isolated rabbit heart perfused with Krebs-Henseleit bicarbonate buffer. About fifty percent depletion of myocardial ATP was produced by 30 minutes at 37℃ global ischemia in the 27 isolated hearts. As the control (n=7), anoxic arrest was initially produced by stopping perfusion, and subsequently cardioplegic arrest was continued for 60 minutes with the intermittent infusion of 10℃ cold blood cardioplegia. First, warm blood cardioplegia of 37℃ (n=5) or 25℃ (n=5) was infused at induction. Second, warm blood cardioplegia of the same temperature was infused just before reperfusion (37℃ (n=5) and 25℃ (n=5)). After 30 minutes reperfusion, the recovery of ATP and CrP in warm blood cardioplegic induction at 25℃ was significantly excellent, compared with that in warm blood cardioplegic induction at 37℃ and in the control group (<CrP> control : 93.8±17.9% of control, 25℃ : 103.1±13.5%^* of control versus 37℃ : 71.1±22.6% of control (^*p< 0.05). <ATP> control : 55.7±13.2%^* of control, 37℃ : 54.0±16.4%^* of control versus 25℃ : 84.7±16.2% of control). In the control group, CrP was promptly recovered ; however, the ATP level was not increased almost at all. In 37℃ warm blood cardioplegic induction group, both CrP and ATP were not recovered. Second, in the group of terminal warm blood cardioplegia at 37℃, after 10 minutes reperfusion, the recovery of CrP level was most prompt, compared with that in the group of terminal warm blood cardioplegia at 25℃ and the control group. After 30 minutes reperfusion, however, the level was not significantly different among the 3 groups. ATP was scarcely recovered even after 30 minutes reperfusion in the 3 groups. From the results obtained the following inference may be made : Warm blood cardioplegia at induction and just before reperfusion has beneficial effect on the enhancement of myocardial metabolic recovery. Particularly, the use of warm blood cardioplegic induction at 25℃ improves the tolerance of myocardial ischemia in energy-depleted hearts.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1989-03-25
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- Phosphorus 31-nuclear magnetic resonanceによる心筋保護効果の検討