- 論文の詳細を見る
The lymphnode metastases of 138 cases of the colo-rectal cancer were studied by the modified clearing method. This method enabled us not only to examine smaller nodes than the conventional one, but also to clarify the relationship among the primary site of the cancer, feeding vessels and nodal spread of the cancer. In the right side colon cancer, metastases to the epicolic and/or paracolic nodes were confined within 7 cm from the tumor margin, while in the left side colon cancer within 4 cm. In the right side colon cancer, the metastases to the intermediate nodes were 15.0%, and to the main nodes 10.0%. In the left side colon cancer, the metastases to the intermediate nodes were 20.0%, and to the main nodes 12.5%. Metastases to the oral pararectal nodes were confined within 15 cm from the tumor margin in the rectal cancer. Metastases to the anal pararectal nodes were confined within 4 cm from the tumor margin in the upper rectal cancer, while in the lower rectal cancer within 3 cm. As to the upward spread, the metastases to the intermediate nodes were 31.0% and to the main nodes 7.1% in the upper rectal cancer, while in the lower rectal cancer the metastases to the intermediate nodes were 19.4% and to the main nodes 8.3%. As to the lateral spread, the nodal involvements were 11.9% in the upper rectal cancer, while 19.4% in the lower rectal cancer. As a result we concluded that there was no lateral spread demonstrable higher than 12 cm above the anal verge. The dissective indication of the lateral spread was recommended, when the rectal cancer was exposed to the serosal surface and/or it's diameter was more than 3 cm and/or the amount of bowel circumference involved was above half. Jumping metastases were recognized in 10 out of 34 colon cancer cases with involved nodes (29.4%) and 13 out of 46 rectal cancer cases with involved nodes (28.3%). As the rate of jumping metastases was unexpectedly high, it was considered that the lymphnode dissection for the colo-rectal cancer should be done as far as main nodes.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1984-06-25
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