- 論文の詳細を見る
The action of ouabain and the effects on the responses to some smooth muscle contractile agents (ACh, noradrenaline, K, Ba and Sr) were investigated in the isolated vas deferens from guinea pigs. 1. The low concentrations of ouabain potentiated the contractions by the agents tested. Ouabain showed the preferential potentiation to the contractions by ACh and noradrenaline. 2. The high concentrations of ouabain inhibited the contractions by the agents used. The inhibition lasted for a long time. The inhibitory effect of ouabain was removed by the Na-removal from the medium. 3. The high concentration of ouabain produced the contraction followed by the relaxation. The ouabain-induced contractions were potentiated in the K-free medium and inhibited in the low and high Ca media and the high K medium.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1984-03-25
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