<原著>St.Jude Medical弁による僧帽弁置換術後遠隔期における運動負荷による心機能の研究
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Cardiac function, exercise tolerance and valve function were evaluated in 31 patients who underwent mitral valve replacement with St. Jude Medical (SJM) prosthesis. Preoperative diagnosis of the cases were mitral stenosis in 18 and mitral regurgitation in 13. Their ages at the examination ranged from 28 to 65 years (50.2±9.3). Interval between the operation and the examination was 34.4±16.5 months. Bicycle exercise stress test was performed, beginning with the initial work load of 50 watts, and the load was gradually increased by 25 watts each time. During the exercise, cardiac output was measured by the dye-dilution method and the maximum and mean transprosthetic pressure gradients were measured by the continuous wave doppler echocardiography. The effective valve orifice area (EOA) was calculated according to the Gorlin's formula. As a result, cardiac index and EOA of SJM prosthesis were increased in accordance with the exercise intensity. The increase by the work load up to 50 watts was caused by the increase both in stroke index and heart rate. When 75 watts works or more were loaded, stroke index was not changed. Therefore the increase of cardiac index was considered to result from the increase of heart rate. Comparing mitral stenosis group with mitral regurgitation one, the cardiac pump function including mechanical valve function and the exercise tolerance were not different between the two groups, in the case of the same duration of illness. Moreover the present study revealed that mechanical valve with opening area index of 3.0cm^2/m^2 or more was preferable, to postoperatively obtain the favorable cardiac function and exercise tolerance. Thus, when SJM valve is used, 29M is suitable for a body surface area of about 1.5m^2 and 31M for a body surface area of about 1.7m^2,and 27M is too small even for a body surface area of about 1.4m^2. Further, stroke index in normal sinus group was significantly larger than that in atrial fibrillation group at rest and during exercise. As for exercise tolerance, three of 9 patients (33%) with normal sinus rhythm could tolerate 125 watts work load, in contrast, only one of the 22 patients (5%) could tolerate the load in the atrial fibrillation group. However I want to emphasize that atrial fibrillation or frequent premature ventricular contraction occurred in two patients with normal sinus rhythm, on exercise. EOA of SJM prosthesis was larger in the normal sinus rhythm group than in the atrial fibrillation group. There was no relationship between EOA of SJM prosthesis and positioning to the intraventricular septum. As stated above it may be concluded that continuous wave doppler echocardiography combined with dye-dilution method is a useful non-invasive method, to evaluate prosthetic mitral valve function.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1988-03-25
- 15.最近5年間の腹部動脈瘤手術経験
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- 31.感染性心内膜炎により急性肺水腫を招来した僧帽弁狭窄症の1治験例
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- 51 先天性心疾患に対する姑息手術の検討
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- St.Jude Medical弁による僧帽弁置換術後遠隔期における運動負荷による心機能の研究
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