<原著>ヒト好中球および単球における活性酸素産生能の基礎的および臨床的研究(2) : 糖尿病患者の好中球および単球における活性酸素産生能の測定
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In order to study the cause of easy susceptibility to infection in diabetics, neutrophil or monocyte function was examined through the ability to generate oxygen radicals in response to varied stimuli including phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), zymosan and opsonized zymosan. For the assessment of oxygen radical formation, chemiluminescence with luminol, reduction of cytochrome c due to superoxide anion (O^-_2) and increase in fluorescence in flow cytometry (FCM) were measured. Furthermore, neutrophils with Fc receptors (FcR) were enumerated after the rosetting with IgG-sensitized sheep red cells to evaluate the role of FcR in oxygen radical formation. It was demonstrated that the formation of oxygen radicals in neutrophils was significantly decreased in diabetics as compared with that in healthy subjects in every response to CL, O^-_2 generation and the fluorescence intensity in an FCM technique. FcR positive cells constituted 83.6±8.5% (mean±SD) of neutrophils in healthy subjects, while the rate was 65.5±14.1% for diabetics with microangiopathy and 73.8±11.6% for diabetics without microangiopathy, both of which were significantly decreased as compared with the rate in healthy subjects (p<0.01 and p<0.05,respectively). The similar decline of PMA-induced CL and %FcR positive neutrophils in diabetics suggests that the FcR status in neutrophils might play an important role in oxygen radical formation. The effect of diabetic control on neutrophil function was evaluated by serial observation of HbA_1 and CL response in the same patient. An inverse correlation between HbA_1 and CL response (p<0.05) was demonstrated, indicating that the reduction of oxygen radical formation or easy susceptibility to infection in diabetes mellitus would be closely linked to poor control or long duration of the disease. In the fluorescence intensity assay using FCM, neutrophils and monocytes were separately determined for cumulative fluorescence intensity (CFI) generated by PMA-induced oxygen products. It was revealed that in terms of CFI to PMA, not monocytes but neutrophils showed significantly lower level in diabetics than in healthy subjects.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1987-03-25
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- ヒト好中球および単球における活性酸素産生能の基礎的および臨床的研究(2) : 糖尿病患者の好中球および単球における活性酸素産生能の測定
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