- 論文の詳細を見る
The relation between the pathological condition of bronchial asthma and glucocorticoid (GC) receptors was investigated by evaluating the GC receptors on human peripheral lymphocytes from asthmatics and guinea pig lung GC receptors in the model of asthma resulting from konjac maiko inhalation. In human experiments, asthma group taking no steroids showed slightly lower maximum binding (Bmax) (20.2±5.9 fmol/10^6cells) than healthy control group (24.0±5.6 fmol/10^6cells) while the steroid group showed lower Bmax value than healthy control by 40% (14.5±4.7 fmol/10^6cells). No significant difference in Bmax was noted between the subgroups classified by type, severity or duration of asthma. In cases treated with prednisolone more than 5mg daily, significant decrease of Bmax than control was observed. Use of theophylline, β-stimulants or antiallergic drugs did not influence Bmax. In healthy control with a few GC receptors, there was a tendency of decreased β-receptors. Correlation was not found between GC receptors and serum cortisol or IgE. Dexamethasone (Dex) was given to non-sensitized guinea pigs to study the relation between the duration of administration and Bmax. Bmax showed the lowest value (81.5±16.2 fmol/mg protein) 6 hours after the administration and reached the peak (234.9±9.9 fmol/mg protein) two days after and then dropped to 103.7±10.2 fmol/mg protein, 29% lower than the value before administration (146.4±11.0 fmol/mg protein), fifteen days after. The combination of Dex and terbutaline sulfate or ketotifen did not influence the lung GC receptors. In the konjac maiko inhalation group, the GC receptor tended to show lower values in 30,60 and 120min after the provocative test than before the test. The group taking Dex alone did not exhibit differences from the Dex-terbutaline or Dex-ketotifen combination group. Responses of GC receptors in human peripheral lymphocytes to various stimuli have been similar to those of guinea pig lung's. The GC receptors of human peripheral lymphocytes are considered to be useful tool in elucidating the mechanism of human bronchial asthma.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1986-06-25
- 1. Adenoidcystic carcinoma of the lung に対するレーザー治療の経験(第 29 回近畿気管支鏡懇話会)
- 385 気管支喘息におけるβ-adrenergic receptorの役割 : β-adrenergic receptorの分子レベルでの検討
- 7.In situ hybridizationを用いたβ-adrenergic receptorの分子レベルでの検討
- 気管支喘息におけるglucocorticoid受容体の臨床的ならびに実験的研究
- I-C-23 過換気症候群症例における各種心理テスト成績との関連(シンポジウム関連演題(Panic Disorder)I)
- II-A-16 柴朴湯のグルココルチコイド受容体への影響
- 7. 気管支内義歯異物の反省すべき 1 例(第 31 回近畿気管支鏡懇話会)
- 6. 無気肺の内視鏡的検討(第 30 回近畿気管支鏡懇話会)
- 末梢気道病変検出におけるvolume of isoflowの評価
- 5. 胸水貯溜をみた肺・胃重複癌の一例(第 16 回近畿気管支鏡懇話会抄録)
- 気管支喘息の気道狭窄に対するテオフィリン血中濃度とその効果に関する検討
- 94 気管支異物の経験(気道異物)
- 5 無気肺を呈した症例の内視所見の検討(診断 I)
- Studies on the optimal dose of sustained-releasing theophylline in RTC therapy of bronchial asthma.
- Usefulness of once daily administration of new sustained release theophilline drug (Uniphyl).
- Effect of macroride antibiotics on pharmacokinetics of theophylline.
- Effect of steroids on glucocorticoid receptors.
- タイトル無し
- Effect of saibokuto on beta-receptor system of lungs of guinea pigs.