<原著>エチオニン代謝性急性膵壊死に対する腸内細菌叢の有無の影響 : 無菌マウスにおける一考察
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To produce metabolic acute pancreatitis, germfree male mice were fed with a choline-deficient diet with 2% DL-ethionine for 7 days. Conventional male mice were fed with the same diet for 10 days, and conventional male mice fed with the same diet for 4 days were injected with endotoxin (5μg/g) intraperitoneally. In germfree mice, plasma amylase levels increased markedly, blood sugar levels decreased slightly and plasma lipase levels stayed within the normal range. As for the values in conventional mice and endotoxin-injected mice, plasma amylase levels and blood sugar levels decreased slightly and plasma lipase levels stayed within the normal range. Components of bite acids in the gallbladder and the cecum of conventional and germfree mice were analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography. In both groups, β-muricholic acid and cholic acid were main components. Deoxycholic acid was not found both in bites and in cecal contents of germfree mice. In gallbladder bile, β-muricholic acid decreased in conventional and germfree mice fed with an ethionine diet and in conventional mice injected with endotoxin. In the cecum, chenodeoxycholic acid increased and β-muricholic acid decreased in conventional and germfree mice, which suggests some impairments of liver functions. Histological observation of pancreas revealed that vacuolization and necrosis of acinar cells were more severe in germfree mice than in conventional mice. Conclusively, it is apparent that the physiological intestinal flora is necessary to prevent the occurrence of acute pancreatic necrosis which is caused by ethionine and choline-deficiency.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1986-03-25
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