<綜説>発癌と免疫 (2) 化学発癌
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この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。Creech et al. (1939) tried to induce resistance against chemical carcinogenesis by immunizing animals with a carcinogen conjugated with certain heterologous proteins and found that it was very difficult to do so. After that. Miller et al. (1947) showed that a protein fraction of the liver combined with a carcinogenic azo dye in the early stage of treatment with the dye. It is well known that this finding led him only to the "protein or enzyme-deletion theory" of carcinogenesis, but not to pay any attention to the immunological role of conjugated carcinogens. Pope et al. (1964) and others were successful in demonstrating a new antigen in viral tumors by the use of fluorescent antibodies from tumor-bearing animals. Moreover, Gold et al. (1965) elucidated antigens specific to human stomach carcinomas on geldiffusion plates by means of adsorbed antisera from heterologous animals neonatally sensitized to normal components of the human body. However, it is doubtful that these humoral antibodies play a role in inhibiting the growth of tumors. Klein et al. (1962) and others called attention to the destructive effect on tumors of lymphoid cells from the tumor-bearing animals, although the antigens and antibodies in this phenomenon have not been described. Takeda and his associates (1963,65) showed that chemical carcinogenesis seemed to be suppressed in animals treated with a lipoprotein fraction of the tumors induced by the same carcinogen. This author's experiments investigated the possible inhibition of tumor growth by antibodies against chemically induced autochthonous tumors. An attempt was made to induce tolerance to the carcinogen by injecting newborn mice with the drug or by neonatal thymectomy. The results are open to discussion, but it may be said that specific antigens, if any, differed significantly with the nature of the tumor and with the presence or absence of malignancy. Marked effects on chemical carcinogenesis of heterologous immunizations of rats are also illustrated in the tables.
- 京都大学の論文
- 1969-03-30
- 第 2 報告「メチール及エチールメタクリレートガス」吸入療法の臨牀成績(肺及氣道疾患殊に肺結核に對する「ガステラピー」の研究)(〔第 5 部〕生化學部)
- 3MCの代謝産物(I-OH-3MC)の発癌性 : 関西支部 : 第27回日本肺癌学会関西支部会
- Chromatographic separation of autofluorescent and quenching substances from the hydrocarbon in tissue
- 流パラ・ラノリンに混じて,経気道的に肺注入された発癌性,および非発癌性polycyclic hydrocarbonのラット肺気道上皮に対する作用
- 肺癌の発生に関する実験的研究(12) : 3-Methylcholanthreneの胎盤通過と肺癌の発生 : 関西支部 : 第17回支部会
- 肺腫瘍殊に扁平上皮癌の実験的発生 : (V)基礎医学的なもの
- 肺癌の発生に関する実験的研究(6) : 20Methylcholanthrene注入ラッテ肺の初期変化に関する電顕的研究 : 病理
- 46.結核病変の形成とアレルギー : 7 幼若モルモットでの実験(G. 結核アレルギーに関するもの)(第16回日本アレルギー学会総会)
- 肺真菌症の自経験例
- 生下時 3-Methylcholanthrene を注射されたマウスにおける抗体産生の抑制
- 細胞性免疫をめぐって
- 結核からみた癩の病理
- 鈴木康弘助手新任に当っての紹介
- 森川茂講師昇任に当っての紹介
- 肺癌に関する実験的研究(13) : ラッテにおける類上皮癌、腺癌、肉腫の発生
- 結核病巣の転移
- 発癌と免疫 (2) 化学発癌
- 2 肺癌の実験発生(第 I 部講演会)(京都大学結核胸部疾患研究所昭和 42 年度学術講演会)
- 発癌と免疫 (1) 放射性発癌
- 実験的肺癌 : その歴史と現況
- 2. 肺における扁平上皮癌の実験的発生(京都大学結核研究所昭和39年度学術講演会)
- 肺における結核病変形成とアレルギー 特に結核菌体核酸(DNA)の家兎に及ぼす影響について
- 41)超遅延型アレルギー反応(1) : 結核性類上皮細胞巣の形成
- 結核菌体成分による組織反応(第44回日本結核病学会総会特別講演)