中国近代図書館界の巨匠 : 劉 国鈞の肖像 : その多彩な業績をめぐって
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Liu Guo-jun, best known for his invaluable contributions to the modernization of library science in China over a period of more than 50 years, represents a great figure in his field in China. Even after his death on June 27,1980,at the age of 81,his writings have continued be edited and put into publication by his followers. Liu Guo-jun was born in Nanjing. He graduated from Jinling University, the birthplace of library science in China, and went on to graduate school in Wisconsin, where he received his Ph. D. Upon his return to China in 1925,Liu Guo-jun, then 26 years old, attained a post at Jinling University as a professor and head librarian. In the years that followed he worked in several different universities as head librarian and dean of the department of humanities as well as s professor of library science. In 1951,at the age of 52,he was called to Beijing University, a post which he gladly accepted. During the next 30 years, he devoted himself to the founding and development of the university's Department of Library Science. In grateful recognition of his innumerable contributions to their university, an elaborate funeral service was performed for him at Beijin University. In the conrse of his life he wrote more than 200 books, articles and translations, not only on the subject of library science, but on such versified topics as philosophy, literature and religion, to mention a few. His most notable contribution to his field was the introduction of the western system of libraries to China, especially the introduction of the MARC of the Library of Congress. In light of the fact that he suffered from persecution by Lin Piao and Sirenbang "the Gang of Four" during the decade of the Cultural Revolution, one cannot help but admire his strength of spirit and devotion to his work. Thus, this paper is to honor the memory of Liu Guo-jun and illustrate some of the many tributes that came his way over the more than half a century of his scholastic career, mainly by introducing his innumerable articles and books.
- 東海学院大学・東海女子短期大学の論文
- 1987-03-31
東海学院大学・東海女子短期大学 | 論文
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