<Abstract of Published Report>Traditional Medicine in Turkey 9 : Folk Medicine in North-west Anatolia.
Tanaka T
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
Takeda Yoshio
Fac. Of Pharmacy Yasuda Women's Univ. 6-13-1 Yasuhigashi Asaminami-ku Hiroshima 731-0153 Jpn
Takaishi Y
Univ. Tokushima Shomachi Jpn
Sezik Ekrem
Faculty Of Pharmacy Gazi University
Honda Gisho
Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto University
Yesilada Erdem
Faculty Of Pharmacy Gazi University
Yesilada Esrdem
Faculty Of Pharmacy Gazi University
Honda G
Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto University
Sezik Erdem
Faculty Of Pharmacy Gazi University
Tanaka Toshihiro
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Health Sciences University Of Hokkaido
- Structural Revisions of Blumenol C Glucoside and Byzantionoside B
- A crotofolane-type diterpenoid and a rearranged nor-crotofolane-type diterpenoid with a new skeleton from the stems of Croton cascarilloides
- Microtropiosides A-F : ent-Labdane diterpenoid glucosides from the leaves of Microtropis japonica (Celastraceae)
- Cupaniol, a New Branched Polyprenol, from Cupania latifolia
- Chemical Constituents from the Colombian Medicinal Plant Niphogeton ternata
- Yokusai Iinuma's Herbarium of "Sabina Called in Market"
- Regional Variation on Motphology of Geranium thungergii.
- Seasonal Variation on Leaf Morphology of Cultivated Geranium nepalense and G. thunbergii.
- Cultivation and Saponin Contents of Guangxi Bupleurum.
- Studies on the Cultivation Period of Ophiopogon chekiangensis.
- Utilization of Fructo-oligosaccharide from Mai-Meng-Dong by intestinal Flora.
- Relation between Leaf Age and Geraniin Content of Geranium nepalense and G. thunbergii.
- Microscopic Identification of Folium Apocini Veneti (Luobumaye) in Chinese Commercial Products.
- Comparative Anatomy of Cultivated G. nepalense and G. thunbergii.
- Studies on Comparative Cultivation of Geranium nepalense and G. thunbergii.
- Studies on the Cultivation Period of Ophiopogon chekiangensis
- Reinvestigation of the Absolute Stereochemistry of Megastigmane Glucoside, Icariside B5
- Drying Method of Mediinal Plants for the Quality Control of Crude Drugs(1) : Numerical Evaluation of Surface Color and Commercial Value.
- Diversity of Alkaloid and Mucilage in Phellodemdron Barks from Different Habitas.
- Pharmacognostical Evaluation of Arctii Fructus(3) : Discrimination of the Botanical Based on Morphological and Histological Differnces
- Isoflavonoids Contents in Green Soybeans(1) : Content Changes during the Seed Growth.
- Quality Evaluation of Plant Dye Henna with Glycosides.
- Pharmacognostical Evaluation of Arctii Fructus (2) : Adulteration on the Chinese Commercial Samples.
- Pharmacognostical Studies of Catalpae Fructus (2) : Botanical Origin of Commercial Crude Drugs from China.
- Physical and Chemical Features of Vietnamese and Chinese Cinnamon Barks on the Market.
- Pharmacognostical Studies on the Genus Datura Plants (2) : Variation of Alkaloid Contents in the Seeds.
- Cultivation of Geranium thunbegii in Vietnam (1) : Morphological Characteristics and Geraniin Contents.
- Berberine Contents in Phellodendron Leaves.
- Pharmacognostical Evaluation of Arctii Fructus(1) : Arctiin Contrent in Chinese Commercial Arctii Fructus.
- Pharacpgnostical Studies of Plantaginis Herba (13) : Constituents of Seeds of Plantago sp.and commercial Plantago Seeds.
- Studies on Constituents of Plantaginis Herba 9 Inhibitory Effects of Flavonoids from Plantago Herba on HIV-reverse Transcriptase Activity.
- Application of the Steam Explosion Process to Extraction of Constituents from Phellodendron Bark (1). : Effect of Process on the Extraction Efficiency.
- Discrimination of the Botanical Origin for Geranium Herb Based on Chemical Difference of Flavonoids.
- Pharmacognostical Studies of Houttuyniae Herba (2) : Growth and Flavonoid Glycoside Contents of Houttuynia cordata.
- Phytosociological Studies of the Communities on Angelica acutiloba and A.acutiloba var.iwaatensis(1) : Gifu Prefecture and Its Surroundings.
- Pharmacognostical Studies of Houttuyniae Herba (1) : Flavonoid Glycosides Contents of Houttuynia cordata THUNB..
- Difference of Internal Structures of Underground Parts of Gentiana Lutea L. with Growth.
- Pharmacognostical Studies of Plantaginis Herba (9) : On the Morphology of Plantaginis Herba from China.
- Pharmacognostical Studies of Plantaginis Herba (VII) on the Phenylethanoid Contents of Plantago spp.
- Traditional Medicine in Turkey 8. : Folk Medicine in East Anatoria; Erzurum, Erzincan, Agri, Kars, Igdir Provinces.
- Traditional Medicine in Turkey IV. Folk medicine in West Anatoria : Afyno, Kutahya, Denizli, Mugla, Aydin Provinces.
- A Novel Immunosuppressant, ISP-I, of Isaria sinclairii
- Diterpenoid Constituents of Rabdosia inflexa : Structure Elucidation of Two New Diterpenoids, Inflexanins A and B(Pharmacognosy,Chemical)
- A new phenolic glucoside from an Uzbek medicinal plant, Origanum tyttanthum
- Lignan and neolignan glucosides, and tachioside 2'-O-4"-O-methylgallate from the leaves of Glochidion rubrum
- Glycosidic constituents of the leaves of an Okinawan Leguminosae plant, Derris trifoliata Lour
- Rearranged ent-kauranes from the stems of Tricalysia dubia and their biological activities
- Tareciliosides A-G : Cycloartane Glycosides from Leaves of Tarenna gracilipes (HAY.) OHWI
- New alkaloid from the aerial parts of Codonopsis clematidea
- Bridelioside, a new lignan glycoside from Bridelia glauca Bl. f. balansae (Tucht.) Hatusima
- Tricalysiosides P-U : Ent-kaurane Glucosides and a Labdane Glucoside from Leaves of Tricalysia dubia OHWI
- Chemical constituents of an Uzbek medicinal plant, Perovskia scrophularifolia
- Tricalysiolide G, and Tricalysiols A and B : rearranged ent-Kaurane-Type and ent-Kaurane-Type Diterpenoids from the Leaves of Tricalysia dubia (Lindl.) Ohwi
- Radical-Scavenging Activities of New Megastigmane Glucosides from Macaranga tanarius (L.) MULL.-ARG
- Staphylionosides A-K : Megastigmane Glucosides from the Leaves of Staphylea bumalda DC.
- Indole alkaloids from Rheum maximowiczii
- Terpenic and Phenolic Glycosides from Leaves of Breynia officinalis HEMSL.
- Glochidiolide, Isoglochidiolide, Acuminaminoside, and Glochidacuminosides A-D from the Leaves of Glochidion acuminatum MUELL
- Sesquiterpenoids from Artemisia tenuisecta
- Main phenolic compounds from the flower of Trachelospermum asiaticum var. intermedium (Apocynaceae)
- Pharmaceutical Studies of Plantaginis Herba (12) : Morphological and Histological Studies on the Seeds of Chinese Planatgo sp..
- Pharmacognostical Studies of Apocynum (2) : Comparative Anatomy of the Leaves of Apocynum and Poacynum spp..
- Pharmacognostical Studies of Plantaginis Herba (11) : On the Morphology of the Leaf Epidermis of Chinese and Japanese Plantago spp..
- Pharmacognostical Studies of Plantaginis Herba(10) : On the Morphology of Leaves of Chinese Plantago spp..
- Alkaloids Contents of Datura spp.on Flowering.
- Studies on Comparative Anatomy of Leaf and Stem of Forsythia spp.
- Pharmacognostical Studies of Plantaginis Herba (5). : On the Aucubin Contents of Plantago spp.
- Studies on Comparative Anatomy of Fruit of Forsythia Spp.
- Studies of Scopoliae Rhizoma(2) : Annual Variations of Alkaloid Contents of a Wild Scopolja japonica.
- Phlomisflavosides A and B, New Flavonol Bisglycosides from Phlomis spinidens
- Secoiridoid Glycosides from Gentiana olivieri
- Myrsinionosides A-E : Megastigmane Glycosides from the Leaves of Myrsine seguinii LEV.
- Turpinionosides A-E : Megastigmane Glucosides from Leaves of Turpinia ternata NAKAI
- New Megastigmane and Tetraketide from the Leaves of Euscaphis japonica
- An Iridoid Glucoside Dimer and a Non-glycosidic Iridoid from the Leaves of Lasianthus wallichii
- Pharmacognostical Studies of Crataegus Fructus (I) : Flavonoids Contents in the Plants of Crataegus spp..
- Phenylethanoid Glycoside in the Leaves of Forsythia spp.
- Phenylethanoid Glycosides from Plantago depressa
- Studies on Constituents of Plantaginis Herba 4. : on Phenylethanoid Glycosides of Plantago camtschatica.
- Studies on the Constituents of Chinese Medicine 'Luobumaye'(1) : On Flavonoid Glycosides of Genera Apocynum and Poacynum Leaves and Their Application to Method for Identification of Origin of Luobumaye Products.
- Studies of Constituents of Plantaginis Herba on Phenolic Iridoid Components of Plantago hostifolia.
- Pharmacognostical Evaluation of Arctii Fructus(4) : Chemical Constituents from Fruits of Arctium tomentosum.
- Pharmacognostical Evaluation of Arctii Fructus (4) Chemical Constituents from Fruits of Arctium tomentosum
- Pharmacognostical Studies of Plantaginis Herba (6) : Anatomy of Plantago major in Hokkaido.
- Studies of Scopoliae Rhizoma(1) : Variation of Alkaloid Contents of Cultivated Scopolia japonica.
- Traditional Medicine in Turkey 9 : Folk Medicine in North-west Anatolia.
- Pharmacognostical Studies of Angelicae Radix (1) : Phthalide Content of Wild Angelica Strains.
- Phenylethanoid Glycosides in the Fruits of Forsythia Spp.
- Studies on the Methods for Chemical Identification of Forsythiae Fructus and Plantaginis Herba.
- Diversity of Alkaloid and Mucilage in Phellodendron Barks from Different Habitats
- Physical and Chemical Features of Vietnamese and Chinese Cinnamon Barks on the Market
- Bioactive Phenolic Compounds from Catharanthus roseus and Vinca minor
- Cultivation of Geranium thunbergii in Vietnam (1) : Morphological Characteristics and Geraniin Contents
- Pharmacognostical Evaluation of Arctii Fructus (4) : Chemical Constituents from Fruits ofArctium tomentosum(Natural Medicine Note)
- Pharmacognostical Evaluation of Arctii Fructus (1) : Arctiin Content in Chinese Commercial Arctii Fructus
- Pharmacognostical Studies of Catalpae Fructus (1) : Relation between the Growth of Fruit and the Iridoid Glycoside Contents.
- Studies on Comparative Cultivation of Geranium nepalense and G. thunbergii
- Studies on Constituents of Plantaginis Herba 9 : Inhibitory Effects of Flavonoids from Plantago Herb on HIV-Reverse Transcriptase Activity
- Comparative Anatomy of Cultivated G. nepalense and G. thunbergii