<Abstract of Published Report>Effect of Prednisolone on IgE-dependent Biphasic Cutaneous Reaction in BALB/c Mice.
- An Immunopharmacological Study of the Biphasic Allergic Skin Reaction in Mice
- II-A-13 アトピー性皮膚炎モデルにおける漢方方剤の効果について
- 328 AZG-1743の抗アレルギー作用についての検討
- 221 モルモットのPAFによる気道反応亢進についての研究
- Pharmacological studies of platelet-activating factor (PAF)-induced augmentation of response to histamine in guinea-pigs.
- 311 肥満細胞欠損マウスを用いたアレルギー性皮膚反応におけるサイトカインの関与
- 197 マウスIgE依存性二相性皮膚反応に関する検討
- Effects of MKS-492 on Antigen-Induced Bronchoconstriction and Allergic Reaction in Guinea Pigs and Rats.
- The Effect of a Novel Thromboxane A_2 (TXA_2) Receptor Angagonist (S-1452) on the Antigen-Induced Bronchoconstriction and Airway Hyperresponsiveness in Guinea Pigs.
- Scratching Behavior in Mice Associated with IgE-mediated Allergic Cutaneous Reaction and Its Pharmacological Characterization.
- Scratching behavior in mice associated with IgE-mediated allergic cutaneous reaction and its pharmacological characterization
- The effect of Gomisin A on immunologic liver injury in mice.
- Pharmacological study of Phospholipase A_2-induced histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells.
- Pharmacological Study of Phospholipase A_2-Induced Histamine Release from Rat Peritoneal Mast Cells
- Characterization of Antihistamines Using Biphasic Cutaneous Reaction in BALB/c Mice.
- Effect of Prednisolone on IgE-dependent Biphasic Cutaneous Reaction in BALB/c Mice.
- TNF-α participates in an IgE-mediated cutaneous reaction in mast cell deficient, WBB6F_1-W/W^v mice.
- An immunopharmacological study of the biphasic allergic skin reaction in mice.
- The effect of anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α monoclonal antibody on allergic cutaneous late phase reaction in mice.
- 454 マウスにおける2相性アレルギー性皮膚反応の免疫薬理学的研究
- Liver Injury Model in Mice for Immunopharmacological Study.
- The Effect of Prodnisolone on Substance P-Induced Vascular Permeability in Mice.
- Effect of a Newly Synthesized Leukotriene Antagonist, (E)-2,2-Diethyl-3'-2-2-(4-Isopropyl)Thiazolyl Ethenyl Succinanilic Acid (MCI-826), on Immunological Liver Injury and Nephritis in Mice.
- Effect of OKX-046 and ONO-3708 on liver injury in mice.
- The role of thromboxane A_2(TxA_2)in liver injury in mice.
- Role of peptide-leukotrienes in liver injury in mice.
- The role of thromboxane A_2 in experimental liver injury in mice.
- Anti-allergic action of glucocorticoids.(II) : Effect of glucocorticoids on cell mediated (Type IV) allergic reactions.
- 1. IgE抗体によるマウス二相性皮膚反応 (1 Late phaseに向けた薬物治療)
- Effects of MKS-492 on Antigen-Induced Bronchoconstriction and Allergic Reaction in Guinea Pigs and Rats.