マミズイトミミズの燐脂質区分における燐代謝について(I) : 燐脂質区分の調製
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It was shown previously^<1)-3)> the absorption of ^<32>P and the incorporation of absorbed ^<32>P into various acid-soluble nucleotides when a sludge worm, Rhizodrilus limasus, was exposed to ^<32>P containing water. The present study deals with the preparation of phospholipid fraction from ^<32>P labeled Rhizodrilus limasus and the purification of the fraction by celulose column chromatography. The effectivenesses of extraction for lipid ester and ^<32>P activity from ^<32>P labeled Rhizodrilus limasus with CH_3OH : CHCl_3 (1 : 2) or (1 : 1) solvent were compared each other and no significant differences were observed between the effectivenesses of the two (Table 2). Phospholipid fraction obtained according to Table 1 was passed through cellulose column (Fig. 2) and the atomic N/P ratio of the fraction reduced from 1.07 to 0.85. 26% of lipid ester (E_<510>) and 82% of ^<32>P activity which existed in CH_3OH : CHCl_3 (1 : 1) extract were found in phospholipid fraction, respectively (Table 3).
- 1972-01-20
論文 | ランダム
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