書道ロボットに関する研究 : ひらがな文字の生成
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We can write letters with brush simply. We look the reference letters in our eyes or we find the reference letters from our memory. We recognize the letter in our brain and find a center line and create the path. Next we transmit the information in the way of our arm and we actully write a letter. We execute these processes. If these processes are executed by the robot, the robot takes in a data of the refrence letters with a camera. The robot executes image processings by computer. The robot recognizes a reading data from the memory unit. And the robot creates path. The robot transmits the imformation in the manipulator's controller. The robot writes a letter by controlling the manipulator. There are important things in the processes, problem of letter recognizing, problem of path planning, problem of controller planning. Now we deal with the problem of path planning. We consider a center line is a important factor for letter's shapes. We have executed the path planning for "hiragana" by the minimum square method to realize a center line. However we can get only "hiragana" pathes that they can be expressed by one-to-one correspondence coordinate by the minimum square method. And we have a problem in that data quantity of the path and dimension of the approximation expression of the curve are very large. Further we have other problem in that all the pathes don't through the center line, so they through off the path of reference letters. Therefore we propose the path planning method that uses data of center line and parametric spline function. We try to decrease error between the center line of reference letters and that obtained by our proposed method, and increase the numbe of "hiragana" possible path planning.
- 岡山理科大学の論文
尾家 寛哉
逢坂 一正
藤本 真作
逢坂 一正
倉橋 康浩
逢坂 一正
藤本 真作
藤本 真作
前田 曜也
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