セメント・水砕を用いた深層混合処理工法による海底軟弱堆積土地盤の改良について(第 1 報)
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The deep mixing method, which is one of the method of improving the basic foundation, is that of hardening the soft clayey soils which have been deposited on the sea beds by stirring and mixing with the some aterials of hardening. This study presents a new method that the mixture of adequate quantities of the special cement and the granulated slag are used for delaying the hardening speed of the mixed clayey soils, instead of using the well-used materials of hardening such as the cement slurry and quicklime. It is believed that this new method is useful for the design of the basic foundation and makes the construction of the marine base much more reliable.
- 1980-03-31
論文 | ランダム
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