「社会形態学」から「儀礼論」へ : デュルケーム社会理論の変遷
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This paper is an attempt to reinterpret Emile Durkheim's Les formes elementaires de la vie religieuse. In this text, we can see a remarkable imbalance between theoretical significance of 'le sacre' and 'le profane'. This imbalance, however, is the solvable subject. First of all we investigate the cause of this imbalance by reinterpreting De la division du travail sociale, Les regles de la methode sociologique, Le suicide. In this work, we find a keystone for a solution of this imbalance, 'morphologie sociale'. These arguments which based on positivism were regarded as 'semi-behaviorist objectivism' or 'sociologistic positivism' by Talcott Parsons. Secondly 'morphologie sociale' varied with the time, but Durkheim's motif-Idealistic Social integration-did not change. Thirdly it was natural that the framework of the Durkheim's social theory was reconstructed in Les formes elementaires, Durkheim emphasized the importance of 'rite' and 'symbolism'. Imbalance between theoretical significance of 'le sacre' and 'le profane' represented Durkheim's dilemma that he had to give up his positivism or his idealism.
- 大阪樟蔭女子大学の論文
- 2002-03-01
- 文化圏的視点による祭礼研究の可能性 : 堺市鳳だんじり祭りの事例から
- 宗教社会学の会編, 『宗教を理解すること』, 創元社, 2007年4月刊, B6判, 250頁, 1,800円+税(書評とリプライ)
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- 「社会形態学」から「儀礼論」へ : デュルケーム社会理論の変遷