カタカナ 3 文字表記語 449 語の発音容易性調査
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One major problem of the process of visual word recognition concerns the role of phonology. Many studies have approached this issue by manipulating phonological complexity in various tasks involving semantic or lexical access. In this article, pronounceability, one of the phonological complexities, for Japanese 3-letter katakana words was investigated. A total of 123 university students were the participants of this study. Four hundred and forty-nine Japanese 3-letter katakana words were selected from the pool reported by Kawakami & Fujita (1998). They were arbitrarily divided into four subgroups. Four lists were constructed by arranging items in each subgroup in a random order, and other four lists were also constructed by reversing item order of each of former four lists. One of these eight lists was given to each participant. The participant was asked to rate pronounceability of each 3-letter katakana word on 5-point scale. The mean pronounceability and standard deviation were calculated for each 3-letter katakana word and reported in Table 3. The result also revealed that pronounceability correlates with subjective familiarity reported by Kawakami & Fujita (1998). This table may be employed to provide normative pronounceability data for experimental studies using Japanese 3-letter katakana words.
- 大阪樟蔭女子大学の論文
- 2002-03-01
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