音源の特性を考慮した室内音場評価法に関する研究 : 第5報指向性音源による音場測定
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The purpose of this study is to make clear the effect of the fundamental characteristics of sound source in auditoria, that is, directivity pattern, orientation of main axis and location of source, on the acoustical properties and the evaluation of room shape, although they are ordinarily estimated only with an omnidirectional source. In our previous works, the results of geometrical simulation showed that the directional characteristic of sound source affected significantly the acoustical quantities such as the ratio of early-to-late sound energy and lateral energy fraction. And, a standard source model of strings quartet was proposed for the prediction of sound fields for chamber music. In this paper, the acoustical measurement is performed in a real auditorium to examine the validity of the evaluation with the directional source. The result shows that there is a significant difference between the acoustical parameters with an omni-directional loud speaker and a directional one whose directivity is produced on the basis of measured characteristics of the strings.
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