<判例研究>英米抵触法判例研究(1) : 渉外婚姻の実質的有効性に関する法の選択
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The purpose of this paper is to examine English and American Conflict of Laws Cases. In the previous articles (in Bulletin of Fukuoka International Univ., No. 1,No. 2), I have attempted to provide an account of the revolutionary theoretical developments in the choice of law approach, which has been enlarged over the last few decades in the USA. I'll take, especially as a prime example of essential validity, the rule as regards non-age, and examine in the light of interest analysis three leading cases. In those cases the enquiry will focus on various policies, relating both to substantive law and to choice of law, to the test in relation to the essential validity of a marriage.
- 福岡国際大学・福岡女子短期大学の論文
- 2000-02-02
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