大学セツルメント「トインビー・ホール」命名の意味に関する一考察 : トインビー講義の開催と記念館設立をめぐって
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After Arnold Toynbee s death, Toynbee Memorial Fund was found to establish 'Toynbee Lecture' by his friends of Oxford at once. Rasing subscriptions a large amount, subscribers suggested some plans including Toynbee Lecture, a Hall at Oxford and a house for working of Univeristy Men in East London. At the meeting on February 9 in 1884,the committee of the Fund recomended to build a Memorial Hall in London which would have been in some relation to the University Settlement. The subscribers recomended to the establishment of one or more Lectures annually in Oxford and other towns, and, if possible, to provide for the publication of the Lectures, and for their circulation in a cheap form. Both recomendations were accepted. First of all, Toynbee Memorial Fund published Toynbee's "Lectures on the Industrial Revolution of the Eighteenth Century in England" in May, 1884. With the word of 'Industrial Revolution', Toynbee s name became popular in the world by this publication. And it impressed Toynbee who studied Political Economy as well as educated the truth of his study to labour and capital class. Toynbee' s book was the sample of Toynbee Lecture. Therefore, Toynbee Memorial Fund performed simultaneously the Lecture and publication. Toynbee Memorial Fund related to University Settlement Scheme by becoming the members of some committees of Univeristy Settlement. University Settlement accepted Toynbee whom the Fund impressed. University Extention Lectures at University Settlment meant Toynbee's educational work. To build in East London meant Toynbee's study, because he fed the interest to social problem and the ardentness to study Political Economy in East London.
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- 大学セツルメント「トインビー・ホール」命名の意味に関する一考察 : トインビー講義の開催と記念館設立をめぐって
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