新制高等学校の機能と役割に関する実証的研究 : 都道府県レベルにおける学校設置状況と分類化
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The purposes of this paper are grouping of a pattern of a shift of upper secondary schools of the postwar Japan, and the analysis. This paper is a part of investigations of a role or a function of upper secondary schools of the present. In first the beginning, I must examine about the situation of a shift of the whole country from old system to new one. The problem which next I should consider is grouping of the shift. Those is classified into 5 types. Akita, Ibaragi, Shimane, Shiga, and Kagoshima prefectures are these paradigms. Moreover those paradigms should be examined by details. From these results, a conclusion which upper secondary schools were made various forms is found out. And what brought those difference was left as problem of not having solved. I intend to solve this problem in future.
- 奈良女子大学の論文
- 戦後「教育学部」史研究 (1)
- 新制高等学校の成立に関する研究 : 大阪府における旧制度からの影響と総合制
- 新制高等学校の機能と役割に関する実証的研究 : 都道府県レベルにおける学校設置状況と分類化
- 戦後教育改革における新制高等学校の成立過程 : 大阪府の入学者選抜状況を中心に