<論文>障害者スポーツの現状報告 : 障害者スポーツ指導員制度に注目して
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The purpose of this study was cleared history of a disabled person's sports instructer system and a disabled person's sports.The analysis method was searching and packing the publication of a disabled person's sports.An analysis factor was the establishment and the disabled person's sports instructer system plan of Japan.sport association for the disabled.The results were summarized as follows; 1 A disabled person's sports of Japan can consider it to be a starting point to have participated to the Paralympic games Tokyo in 1964.It was also whose establishment of Japan sports association for the disabled in the same year.An association establishes and only 40 year has passed. 2 The disabled person's sports instructer system has separated by four classes.Functionally, it is caught with two groups.One of the functions is the instructer for a top player, and another is participation and promotion of a disabled person's sport. 3 the number of disabled person's sports instructer was increasing rapidlly.Especially In a disabled person's sports instructer, the stunders cless instructer was increasing clearly.It is important for Japan.sport association for the disabled how it responds to this phenomenon and a measure is considered.
- 関西学院大学の論文
- 2002-03-31
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