<論文>ビジュアル・リタラシーとカルチュラル・リタラシー : 絵本に読む日系アメリカ人のアイデンティティー : 異文化理解の一例として
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While Intercultural Studies often deals with forms of verbal and non-verbal communication, the role of visual communication is rarely discussed. Visual communication can be contrasted with verbal communication or categorised as one form of non-verbal communication, which enables us to convey, read, express and respond to information, messages and meanings, and also to transmit cultural values. Visual language uses conventions different from verbal and other types of non-verbal languages, requiring a capacity for visual literacy to be developed systematically. This paper argues that the potential of this area in Intercultural Studies needs to be investigated. The paper then focuses on the role of visual language in picture books. The effects of the use of both verbal and visual language are observed in picture books. Visual language, however, is especially effective in expressing fundamental spiritual core values held by a specific cultural group, by representing a cultural symbol or by revealing emotional responses. Sensitive issues such as the cultural identity of Japanese-Americans have been successfully dealt with through this medium, helping children and adults from other ethnic and cultural backgrounds to understand their diverse experiences as people who bridge two cultures and also their past and present status within American society. Competence in visual and cultural literacy depends on education. Racism, cultural stereotypes, ethnocentrism and any other kinds of discrimination ought to be eliminated from visual and cultural representations. At the very least, a cultural sensitivity should be developed through education so that authors and readers of visual literature can examine authenticity of a given culture, share human values with people from different cultures, and also have empathy towards other people and cultures in our global village.
- 山口県立大学の論文
- 1997-03-25
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