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To examine how clinical teaching for maternity nursing has been conducted for male students, online Japanese-language literature released between 1989 and 2000 was searched for several keywords : male students, maternity nursing practicum, maternity nursing, nursing education and curriculum. Detailed study was made of 9 items of retrieved literature. The results show that in providing practicum for male students, particular attention is paid to 4 factors : overall clinical approach, practicum methods, clinical matters and male students. In the male students' view, there are both positive and negative aspects. During their internship, they usually give special consideration to their way of approaching patients, both psychologically and physically. It was also found that such clinical teaching helps deepen their understanding of the mentalities and roles of fathers, male nurses' roles in maternity nursing, paternity and maternity, and newborn children. These findings suggest that in clinical teaching we should give due consideration to the patients involved, including obtaining patients' consent regarding internship of male students ; collect detailed information on how practicum is going and what patients' reactions are, by establishing close liaison with hospitals ; and make commensurate adjustments to clinical teaching. Moreover, orientation should be given in advance to students who are to receive clinical teaching to enhance their understanding of the importance of such clinical teaching.
- 神戸市看護大学の論文
- 2001-03-31
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