Yellow Pigment of Camellia chrysantha Flowers
Toki K
Minami‐kyushu Univ. Miyazaki Jpn
Miyajima Ikuo
Laboratory of Horticultural Science, Division of Agricultural Botany, Department of Plant Resources,
TOKI Kenjiro
Laboratory of Floriculture, Minami Kyushu University
Uemoto Shunpei
Laboratory of Horticultural Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
Arisumi Ken-ichi
Laboratory of Horticultural Science
Sakata Yiisuke
Laboratory of Horticultural Science
Arisumi Kenichi
Laboratory of Horticultural Science
Uemoto S
Kyushu Univ. Fukuoka
Miyajima Ikuo
Laboratory Of Horticultural Science Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University
Uemoto Shunpei
Laboratory Of Horticultural Science Faculty Of Agriculture
Miyajima I
Japan International Cooperation Agency In Argentina Buenos Aires Arg
Uemoto Shunpei
Laboratory Of Horticultural Science
- Variation of Self-incompatibility in Camellia japonica L. Cultivars
- Comparision of the Juvenile Period of Interspecific-Cross Seedlings in Evergreen Azaleas
- Breeding for the Haet Resistant Rhododendrons : IV.The Reliability of Early Selection of Seedlings on to the Heat Resistance
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- Anthocyanin Pigmentation Patternings in Petals of Hibiscus syriacus
- Anthocyanidin 3-glucosides and in Vitro Unstable Anthocyanins from Hibiscus syriacus
- Studies on the Development of New Ornamental Allium through Interspecific Hybridization III.Hybridization of Autumn-Flowering Species through Pull-Style Pollination, Cutflower Culture and Embryo Rescue
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- A Novel Acylated Pelargonidin 3-Sophoroside-5-glucoside from Greyish-Purple Flowers of the japanese Morning Glory
- Acylated Pelargonidin 3-Sophoroside-5-glucosides from the Flowers of the Japanese Morning Glory Cultivar 'Violet'
- Yellow Pigment of Camellia chrysantha Flowers
- Effects of Ultraviolet Light Elimination on Pigmentation in Allium x wakegi and Shallot (Allium cepa aggregatum group) Bulbs
- Improvement of Pollen Germinability and Storability in Some Japanese Alliums
- Breeding for the Heat Resistant Rhododendrons V.Cross-Compatibility and Evaluation of Breedeing Materials in Section Rhododendron of Subgenus Rhododendron with Blue Flower Colours
- The Improvement of Germinability of the Immature Rhododendron Seeds by Cold Treatment
- Breeding for the Heat Resistant Rhododendrons III. The Feature of Seedling Growth of R.pseudochrysanthum, R.simiarum and Some of Their Hybrids
- Breeding for the Heat Resistant Rhododendrons : II.Differences of Heat Resistance among Species and Hybrids
- Breeding for the Hert Resistant Rhododendrons
- Distribution of Agroclimatic Resources in Yunnan, China
- RAPD Analysis of Ornamental Alliums for Phylogenetic Relationship
- Comparison of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Profiles of Crude Extracts of Pollen DNA in Allium, using Thermus aquaticus and Pyricoccus furiosus DNA polymerase combinations
- Application of Esterase and Peroxidase Zymograms to Breeding in Brassica with Reference to Nucleus Substitution
- Effects of Bulb Storage Temperature and Darkness on Stem Elongation in Tulip
- Effects of Photoperiod and Temperature on the Raceme Budding of Winged Beans (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus)
- Seasonal Changes in Leaf Emergence from Scale Bulblets during Scaling and Endogenous Plant Hormone Levels in Easter Lily(Lilium longiflorum Thunb.)
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- Interspeciffic Hybridization with Camellia chrysantha
- Comparative Organogenesis between Terrestrial and Epiphytic Cymbidium Species
- Changes in the Endogenous Growth Regulators in Bulbous lris in Bulb-forming and Nonbulb-forming Aspects
- Studies on Winter Bud Break, Flower Bud Initiation and Initial Flowering in the Genus Camellia
- Changes in Endogenous Gibberellin and Auxin Activities during First Internode Elongation in Tulip Flower Stalk
- Developmental Features of Hypo-Epigeous Type Plant in the Easter Lily : Lilium longiflorum Thunb.
- Studies on the Flower Colours in the Camellia : On the Anthocyanin Constitution in C.reticulate, C.saluenensis, C.pitardii, C.hongkongensis, C.rosaeflora and C.maliflora and in the Cultivars Derived from Interspecific Hybridization
- Studies on the Flower Colours in the Camellia : II. On the Anthocyanin Constitution in the Cultivars of C. japonica, C. japonica suvsp. rusticana, C. sasanqua, C. hiemalis, C. vernalis and C. wabisuke
- Studies on the Flower Colours in Rhododendron : I.Pigment Constitutions of the Elepidote and Some Lepidote Rhododendrons
- Effects of Temperature and Shade Treatment on Flower Colors and Characteristics in Newly Established Reddish-Purple TUberose (Polianthes)
- Varietal Differences of the Development of the Scale Bulblet in the Easter Lily
- Flower Colors and Pigments of Inter-specific Hybrids between Camellia japonica L. and C.chrysantha(Hu)Tuyama
- Anthocyanin Constitutions of Flowers in Newly Established Colored Tuberouses (Polianthes)
- Effects of Low Temperature on Flowering in Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.)
- Seedling Selection and Micropropagation for the Breeding of Yellow-Flowered Cyclamen Cultivars