Developmental Capacity and Sex of Gynogenetic Diploids in Rana japonica and Rana tsushimensis
Nishioka Midori
Laboratory For Amphibian Biology Faculty Of Science Hiroshima University
KAWAMURA Toshijiro
Laboratory for Amphibian Biology, Faculty of Science, Hiroshima University
Kawamura Toshijiro
Laboratory For Amphibian Biology Faculty Of Science Hiroshima University
- Sex of Reciprocal Hybrids between the Hamakita (XX-XY Type) Population and the Murakami (ZW-ZZ Type) Population of Rana rugosa
- Intraspecific Differentiation of Rana tagoi Elucidated by Electrophoretic Analyses of Enzymes and Blood Proteins
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- Intraspecific Differentiation of Rana narina Elucidated by Crossing Experiments and Electrophoretic Analyses of Enzymes and Blood Proteins
- Genetic Variation of Five Enzymes in Japanese Pond Frogs
- Enzymes of Rana nigromaculata, Rana brevipoda, Reciprocal Hybrids and Auto and Allotriploids
- Genetic Variation and Population Divergence in the Mountain Brown Frog Rana ornativentris
- Differentiation of 70 Populations in the Rana nigromaculata Group by the Method of Electrophoretic Analyses
- Systematic Evolution of 40 Populations of Rana rugosa Distributed in Japan Elucidated by Electrophoresis