Whale sighting efficiency of the crew on board ocean research vessels in BIOMASS/FIBEX
- 論文の詳細を見る
Two whalers who have long experience in whaling operation were on board two ocean research vessels from Japan which participated in the BIOMASS/FIBEX project. They were engaged in the whale sightings in the navigation bridge with the crew and apprentice students to examine the whale sighting efficiency of the crew. It was found that species identification of whales was very difficult for the crew without the help of experienced whalers. Synthesizing the results on the number of whale schools sighted per unit of the research distance and per unit of the number of crew, as well as on the range of visual field of sighting and the finding rate in the course of navigation, the whale sighting efficiency of the crew of the ocean research vessels was 3.2% of the whalers of the whale scouting boats, and the efficiency of the whalers on board ocean research vessels was 50% of the whalers of the whale scouting boats.
- 国立極地研究所の論文
Ohsumi S
The Institute Of Cetacean Research
Ohsumi Seiji
Institute Of Cetacean Research
Ohsumi Seiji
Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory
Ohsumi Seiji
Far Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory
Kasamatsu Fujio
Japan Whaling Association
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- Preface
- Morphological Observations of Frozen-Thawed Spermatozoa of Southern Minke Whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata)
- Whales sighting efficiency of the crew on board ocean research vessels in BIOMASS/FIBEX(Marine Biology 4)
- Whale sighting efficiency of the crew on board ocean research vessels in BIOMASS/FIBEX
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