S-310JA-1 Rocket Observation of VLF Emission Spectra at Syowa Station in Antarctica
- 論文の詳細を見る
VLF chorus observed in geomagnetically quiet condition by an Antarctic rocket S-310JA-1 is discussed in detail in comparison with that observed on the ground (Syowa Station). The chorus intensity at the rocket altitudes was roughly E=18μV/m and H=5×(10)^<-12>T for a bandwidth of 50Hz which proved the chorus propagation being in the whistler mode. The upper cutoff frequency of the chorus spectra observed on the ground was always lower than that observed by the rocket. The difference of the upper cutoff frequency is interpreted by the frequency characteristics of both the effect of perfect reflection of the chorus at the bottom of the ionosphere and the collisional damping. Static noise phenomena were also observed by the same rocket which will be reported in our future paper.
- 国立極地研究所の論文
Kimura Iwane
Department Of Electrical Engineering Kyoto University
Kimura Iwane
Department Of Electrical Engineering Ii Kyoto University
Kimura Iwane
Department Of Electrical Engineering Ii Faculty Of Engineering Kyoto University
Kamada Tetsuo
Research Institute of Atmospherics, Nagoya University
Kamada Tetsuo
Research Institute Of Atmospherics Nagoya University
Yamagishi Hisao
Department of Electrical Engineering II, Kyoto University
Matsuo Toshiro
Department of Electrical Engineering II, Kyoto University
Yamagishi Hisao
Department Of Electrical Engineering Ii Kyoto University
Matsuo Toshiro
Department Of Electrical Engineering Ii Kyoto University
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