<Abstract>Development of Smart Biomaterials Modified with Salivary Proteins(Abstracts of Workshop in the ORAL HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER)
Inoue T
Tokyo Inst. Technol. Yokohama Jpn
Miake Y
Tokyo Dental Coll. Chiba Jpn
Matsuzaka Kenichi
Oral Health Science Center Hrc7 Tokyo Dental College:department Of Clinical Pathophysiology Tokyo De
Matsuzaka K
Tokyo Dental College
Yoshinari M
Tokyo Dental College
Abe S
Tokyo Dental College
Shibahara T
Tokyo Dental Coll. Chiba Jpn
Kato T
Tokyo Univ. Pharmacy And Life Sci. Hachioji Jpn
Hirayama A
Tokyo Dental College
Inoue T
Tokyo Inst. Technol. Tokyo Jpn
- MIと再石灰化(MIを考える(1))
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- Transforming growth factor beta inducible apoptotic cascade in epithelial cells during rat molar tooth eruptions
- Biological characteristics of the junctional epithelium
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- 実験的初期齲蝕エナメル質に及ぼすフノリ抽出物と第2リン酸カルシウムを配合したキシリトールタブレットの再石灰化促進効果
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- 5A11 唾液による歯牙硬組織石灰化度の恒常性維持の解明
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- キシリトールガムの実験的初期齲蝕エナメル質に及ぼす再石灰化促進効果 : フノリ抽出物と第二リン酸カルシウム配合キシリトールガムとリン酸化オリゴ糖カルシウム配合キシリトールガムとの比較
- エナメル質の成熟と再石灰化におよぼす唾液の影響
- 脱灰エナメル質の再石灰化に及ぼす唾液の影響
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- Changes in Dental Enamel Crystals by Bleaching
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- Er : YAG レーザー照射による象牙質表層の構造変化
- Calcification of Pulp Canal Space after Replantation of Immature Rat Molars
- SEM Observation of Collagen Fibrils Secreted from the Body Surface of Osteoblasts on a CO_3apatite-collagen Sponge
- 5A10 唾液タンパク質の吸着特性を制御した生体新素材の開発
- Saliva Examination and Order-Made Therapy(Project 5,Abstracts of Workshop in the ORAL HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER)
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- Saliva Examination and Order-made Therapy(Abstracts of Workshop in the ORAL HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER)
- Influences of a Laser on the Activity of Salivary Acinar Cells(Abstracts of Workshop in the ORAL HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER)
- The Pain Recognition System in Dental Hypersensitivity Examined by Magnetoencephalography(Abstracts of Workshop in the ORAL HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER)
- Investigation of Central Control during Voluntary Deglutition(Abstracts of Workshop in the ORAL HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER)
- 7. Immunohistochemical study of benign cementoblastoma of the mandible
- 16. A stastic observation of fine needle aspiration oral cytology and the point of oral cytology
- 32. A case of rapidly growing tumor of parotid region
- 30.The expression of Human β-Defensin-2 in the lining epithelium of radicular cyst
- 9:A case of mandibular ramus tumor
- Homeostasis Maintenance of the Mineralization Degree in Dental Hard Tissue by the Saliva(Abstracts of Workshop in the ORAL HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER)
- Detailed Consideration of Physicochemical Properties of CO_3apatites as Biomaterials in Relation to Carbonate Content Using ICP, X-ray Diffraction, FT-IR, SEM, and HR-TEM
- Adhesion of 4-META/MMA-TBB resin to heated dentin: effects of pre-treatments with FeCl3 and/or HEMA
- Investigation of Structure of Dentin Formative Disturbances Caused by Antineoplastic Agents
- Development of Smart Biomaterials Modified with Salivary Proteins(Project 5,Abstracts of Workshop in the ORAL HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER)
- Development of Smart Biomaterials Modified with Salivary Proteins(Abstracts of Workshop in the ORAL HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER)
- Improvement of eczematous symptoms after removal of amalgam-like metal in alveolar bone
- Immobilization of Simvastatin Acid onto Titanium with Plasma Surface Modification
- Microgroove can control the behavior of osteoblasts
- Leukemia case in patient with taste dysfunction
- Effect of Conventional Glass-Ionomer Cement with Zinc Oxide in Inhibiting Dentin Demineralization In Vitro
- Remineralization effects of xylitol on demineralized enamel
- Remineralization in Enamel Caries and Restoration of Carious Lesions by Enhanced Remineralization Induced by Saliva and Xylitol
- Collective Flow at AGS and SPS
- Antibacterial and Homeostatic Regulatory Activities of Salivary Proteins(Abstracts of Workshop in the ORAL HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER)
- Growth and Formation of the Tooth Germ in a Rat Model of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
- High-resolution electron microscopy of enamel-crystal demineralization and remineralization in carious lesions
- Cell proliferation and expression of Cbfa-1 in a peripheral osteo-chondroma arising from the mandibular oral mucosa of an edentulous alveolar ridge
- Analysis of the Effects of Saliva Protein on Oral Cancer(Abstracts of Workshop in the ORAL HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER)
- A case of calcifying odontogenic cyst with numerous calcifications: immunohistochemical analysis
- Lesions related to the formation of bone, cartilage or cementum arising in the oral area: a statistical study and review of the literature
- K→2π Decay in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model
- The Primary Gustatory Area in the Human Cerebral Cortex Examined by Magnetoencephalography (MEG) : Response of the Gustatory Area to Tactile Stimulation of the Palate(Abstracts of Workshop in the ORAL HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER)
- An Establishment of a Guideline for the Treatment of Chronic Intractable Pain in the Maxillofacial Region(Abstracts of Workshop in the ORAL HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER)
- Surface modification by cold-plasma technique for dental implants—Bio-functionalization with binding pharmaceuticals
- Magnetoencephalographic Analysis of the Somatosensory Area, during the Growth and Development of the Human Cerebral Cortex, Relation to the Intraoral Presso Receptor(Abstracts of Workshop in the ORAL HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER)
- Initial attachment of human oral keratinocytes cultured on zirconia or titanium
- Identification of peptide motif that binds to the surface of zirconia