On the general solutions of the difference equations y_<i>(x+1) = Π^^m__<j=1> (y_<j>(x))^<λ_<ij>>f_<i>(x,y(x)), II
Ikeda Hideo
Faculty Of Economics Toyama University
Tanaka Sen-ichiro
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Toyama University
Tanaka Sen-ichiro
Department Of Mathematics Faaculty Of Science Toyama University
- P-2(O-10)Frequency patterns of micronuclei induced in Allium cepa seedlings by physical and chemical agents
- Development of a micronucleus assay in the root tips of Allium cepa seedlings as a detector of chemical clastogens
- On the general solutions of the difference equations y_(x+1) = Π^^m__ (y_(x))^f_(x,y(x)), II
- On the general solutions of the difference equations y_(x+1) = Π__^^ (y_(x))^f_(x,y(x)), III
- On asymptotic solutions of difference equations
- On asymptotic solutions of some functional difference equations with asymptotic coefficients
- On asymptotic solutions of analytic difference equations