Upper atmosphere physics data, Syowa and Asuka Stations, 1987(Upper Atmosphere Physics 7)
Shibuya Kazuo
National Institute of Polar Research, Sokendai, Midori-cho 10-3, Tachikawa-city, Tokyo 190-8518, Jap
Sato Natsuo
National Institude of Polar Research
Ayukawa Masaru
National Institute of Polar Research
Miyaoka Hiroshi
National Institute of Polar Research
Shibuya Kazuo
National Inst. Of Polar Res. And Graduate Univ. For Advanced Studies (sokendai) 1-9-10 Kaga Itabashi
渋谷 和雄
National Institute of Polar Research
National Institute of Polar Research
Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
Uchida Kunio
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (aist)
MUKAI Hiroyuki
Communications Research Laboratory
SAITO Hiroaki
University of Electrocommunications
Akamatsu Junpei
Disaster Prevention Research Institute Kyoto University
Saito Hiroaki
University Of Electrocomunications
Akamatsu Junpei
Disaster Prevention Research Institute,Kyoto University
- Combined use of InSAR and GLAS data to produce an accurate DEM of the Antarctic ice sheet: Example from the BreivikaeAsuka station area
- Fluctuations in the flow velocity of the Antarctic Shirase Glacier over an 11-year period
- VHF data transmission experiments using MBC equipment conducted during the period from JARE-43 to JARE-45
- Meteor Burst Communications in Antarctica : Description of Experiments and First Results(Terrestrial Radio Communications)
- Characteristics of CNA associated with geomagnetic sudden commencements
- Geomagnetic sudden commencements observed at the Syowa-Iceland conjugate stations
- Characteristics of polarization of geomagnetic sudden commencements observed at Syowa Station
- Characteristics of polarization of geomagnetic sudden commencements at geostationary orbit
- Auroral X-ray image formings using three directional NaI (T1) telescopes at balloon altitude
- A balloon observation of auroral X-ray images in the northern auroral zone