"Texturally Sector-Zoned Garnet Porphyroblasts in the Ryoke Metamorphic rocks from the Yanai District, Southwest Japan"
Miyashita Y
Geological Survey Of Japan Tsukuba Jpn
"Miyashita Yukari"
"Department of Geoscience, Faculty of Science,Osaka City University"
Miyashita Yukari
Department of Geoscience, Faculty of Science,Osaka City University
- Field studies of proterozoic terrains in Peninsular India and Sri Lanka during 1997-1998
- "Geological survey in southern to eastern peninsular India, 1996"
- "Some structural observations in the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt surrounding Visakhapatnam, South India"
- "Migmatite and Granulites in the patapatnam-Tekkali area, Eastern Ghats, India"
- "Texturally Sector-Zoned Garnet Porphyroblasts in the Ryoke Metamorphic rocks from the Yanai District, Southwest Japan"