Angiotensin II and aldosterone-induced neuronal damage in neurons through an astrocyte-dependent mechanism
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2011-06-01
Ohshima Kousei
Department of Cardiology, Uwajima City Hospital
Mogi Masaki
Department Of Geriatric Medicine Osaka University Medical School
Horiuchi Masatsugu
Department Of Biochemistry Ehime University School Of Medicine
Iwanami Jun
Department Of Molecular Cardiovascular Biology And Pharmacology Ehime University Graduate School Of
Sakata Akiko
Department Of Diagnostic Pathology Graduate School Of Comprehensive Human Sciences University Of Tsu
HORIUCHI Masatsugu
Department of Molecular Cardiovascular Biology and Pharmacology, Graduate School of Medicine, Ehime University
Department of Molecular Cardiovascular Biology and Pharmacology, Graduate School of Medicine, Ehime University
MIN Li-Juan
Department of Molecular Cardiovascular Biology and Pharmacology, Graduate School of Medicine, Ehime University
Department of Molecular Cardiovascular Biology and Pharmacology, Graduate School of Medicine, Ehime University
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