Physiological basis and clinical significance of left ventricular suction studied using echo-dynamography
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2011-11-15
Katahira Yoshiaki
Cardiovascular Center Tohoku Welfare Pension Hospital
Ohtsuki Shigeo
Institute Of Medical Ultrasound Technology
Kanai Hiroshi
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku University
Tanaka Motonao
Cardiovascular Center Tohoku Welfare Pension Hospital
Hanzohmon Hospital
Sugawara Shigeo
Cardiovascular Center Tohoku Welfare Pension Hospital
Nakajima Hiroyuki
Cardiovascular Center Tohoku Welfare Pension Hospital
Kameyama Takeyoshi
Cardiovascular Center Tohoku Welfare Pension Hospital
Tabuchi Haruna
Cardiovascular Center Tohoku Welfare Pension Hospital
KANAI Hiroshi
Department of Electrical Engineering, Tohoku University
Katahira Yoshiaki
Cardiovascular Center, Tohoku Welfare Pension Hospital
Cardiovascular Center, Tohoku Welfare Pension Hospital
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