Transgene number-dependent, gene expression rate-independent rejection of D^d-, K^d-, or D^dK^d-transgened mouse skin or tumor cells from C57BL/6 (D^bK^b) mice
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2011-06-20
Kiyonari Hiroshi
Laboratory For Animal Resources And Genetic Engineering Center For Developmental Biology Riken
HAYASHI Michihiro
Department of General and Gastroenterological Surgery, Osaka Medical College
Department of General and Gastroenterological Surgery, Osaka Medical College
Kubota Takahiro
Department Of Drug Metabolism And Biopharmaceutics Faculty Of Pharmacy Chiba Institute Of Science
Tashiro Yamaji
Department Of Physiology Osaka Medical College
Yoshida Ryotaro
Department Of Cell Biology Osaka Bioscience Institute
Tanigawa Nobuhiko
Department Of Gastroenterological Surgery Osaka Medical College
Shimizu Tetsunosuke
Department Of Ophthalmology Osaka Medical College
Hayashi Michihiro
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Kyoto Prefectural University School Of Medicine
Inoue Yoshihiro
Department Of Critical Care Medicine Iwate Medical University
Tashiro-Yamaji Junko
Department of Physiology, Osaka Medical College
IBATA Minenori
Department of Physiology, Osaka Medical College
YAMANA Hidenori
Department of Physiology, Osaka Medical College
Department of Anatomy, Okayama University School of Dentistry
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