A complex rupture image of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake revealed by the MeSO-net
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Terra Scientific Pub. Coの論文
- 2011-07-01
日野 亮太
Hot Springs Research Institute of Kanagawa Prefecture
日野 亮太
KIMURA Hisanori
National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention
Sakai Shinichi
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
Hino R
Tohoku Univ. Sendai
Hirata Naoshi
Department Of Earth Sciences Chiba University
Hirata N
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
Obana Koichiro
Japan Agency For Marine‐earth Sci. And Technol. Kanagawa Jpn
Obara Kazushige
National Res. Inst. Earth Sci. And Disaster Prevention Ibaraki Jpn
日野 亮太
東北大 大学院理学研究科
Hirata Naoshi
Earthquake Research Institute The University Of Tokyo
Sakai Shin'ichi
Earthquake Research Institute University Of Tokyo
Aketagawa Tamotsu
Japan Meteorological Agency
Yukutake Yohei
Hot Spring Res. Inst. Kanagawa Jpn
Yoshida Akio
Tokyo District Meteorological Observatory
Aketagawa Tamotsu
Hot Springs Res. Inst. Kanagawa Prefecture Kanagawa Jpn
Obara Kazushige
Earthquake Research Institute The University Of Tokyo
Nakagawa Shigeki
Earthquake Research Institute University Of Tokyo
ITO Hiroshi
Hot Springs Research Institute of Kanagawa Prefecture
HARADA Masatake
Hot Springs Research Institute of Kanagawa Prefecture
Hot Springs Research Institute of Kanagawa Prefecture
日野 亮太
東北大学大学院理学研究科 地震・噴火予知研究観測センター
- P-53 日本海溝におけるゆっくり地震検出のための海底地震・測地および湧水観測 : YK08-06航海の概要と成果(11.海洋地質,ポスター発表,一般講演)
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- 稠密海底地震観測による2003年十勝沖地震の余震分布
- Long-Term Monitoring Using Deep Seafloor Boreholes Penetrating the Seismogenic Zone
- 超音波計測 海底地震計を用いた海底下深部構造探査--海溝型大地震発生域の地震波トモグラフィ
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- 海底地殻変動観測による沈み込み運動の現場観測 (沈み込み帯の科学と海洋観測技術) -- (3章 海洋観測技術(海底地震計,海底地殻変動,海底電位差・磁力計))
- Rupture process of the 2005 West Off Fukuoka Prefecture earthquake obtained from strong motion data of K-NET and KiK-net
- 1998年5月31日に三陸沖に発生したM6.3の地震(2)震源過程
- 1998年5月31日に三陸沖に発生したM6.3の地震(1)余震の震源分布
- Ground motion and rupture process of the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake obtained from strong motion data of K-NET and KiK-net
- 41B. エアガンによる磐梯山周辺域の地殻構造探査(日本火山学会1988年秋季大会)
- 41B エアガンによる磐梯山周辺域の地殻構造探査
- 福島沖における海底地震観測で得られた波形の相似な地震群
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- 海底地震計と制御震源を用いた秋田沖日本海東縁部海陸境界域のP波速度構造
- 福島沖におけるプレート境界近傍の地震学的構造
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- 海底地震計を用いた甑島西方海域における地震観測
- 海底地震計による1995年奄美大島近海地震の余震観測
- 1995年奄美大島近海地震群の活動
- Deep Drilling at the Arc-arc Collision Zone in the Yamakita Area, Central Honshu, Japan
- Deep Seismic Surveys in the Kinki District : Shingu-Maizuru Line
- Seismic Reflection Profiling in the Kanto and Kinki Metropolitan Areas, Japan
- 海底地震計を用いた海底下深部構造探査(音響センシングが拡げる測定技術の世界: 超低周波から超音波領域まで)
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- Seismological Evidence for the Influence of Fluids and Magma on Earthquakes
- 海陸プレート境界近傍での地震・測地観測のツボ--地震発生帯掘削孔内地震・測地観測の役割 (総特集 沈み込み帯地震発生帯--その物質科学と深海掘削) -- (3章 沈み込み地震発生帯の物理的描像)
- 海底地震計と制御震源を用いた北部大和海盆,秋田沖日本海東縁部海陸境界域の地震波速度構造
- プレート沈み込みにおける水の意義と伊豆・小笠原海溝のserpentineダイアピルを横切る速度構造
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- 長期観測型自己浮上式海底地震計の開発
- 海底地震計と制御震源を用いた秋田沖日本海東縁部海陸境界域のP波速度構造 (総特集 東北日本トランセクト--島弧変形と地殻活動) -- (東北日本の地殻構造)
- 海底地震探査による三陸沖の地殻構造 (総特集 東北日本トランセクト--島弧変形と地殻活動) -- (東北日本の地殻構造)
- 日本列島周辺のプレート境界域の地殻構造 (特集 日本周辺海域の地質構造マッピング)
- 海底孔内観測ステーション実現に向けて
- エアガン-海底地震計データによる東北日本弧前弧域(三陸沖)の速度不均質構造
- マルチチャンネル反射法による三陸沖の地殻構造
- 三陸沖の不均質速度構造と地震活動度 : 反射を取り入れた走時インバージョンの開発とデータへの適用
- 三陸沖地震予知総合観測計画 (総特集 新地震予知研究) -- (2章 プレート境界地震と内陸地震の発生予測)
- 海上爆破-陸上小スパンアレイ観測による三陸沖の地殻深部構造の推定
- マスター・ソリューション法による三陸沖で発生する地震の震源メカニズム解の推定
- プレート境界地震震源域の地震学的構造--東北日本弧の場合 (総特集 21世紀の深海掘削への展望--ODPからOD21へ) -- (2部 21世紀の深海掘削への展望--OD21)
- 東海沖でのフィリピン海プレートの詳細な沈み込み形態の解明 - エアガン-海底地震計探査による銭洲海嶺, 南海トラフ東部の地殻構造 -
- Report on DELP 1989 Cruise in the TTT Junction Areas : Part 2: Upper Crustal Structure Near the Trench-Trench-Trench Triple Junction off the Boso Peninsula, Japan
- Aftershock observation of the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake by using dense ocean bottom seismometer network
- Aftershock seismicity and fault structure of the 2005 West Off Fukuoka Prefecture Earthquake (M_7.0) derived from urgent joint observations
- Hypocenter distribution of the main- and aftershocks of the 2005 Off Miyagi Prefecture earthquake located by ocean bottom seismographic data
- Spatial distribution of static stress drops for aftershocks of the 2005 West Off Fukuoka Prefecture earthquake
- Aftershock distribution of the 26 December 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake from ocean bottom seismographic observation
- Urgent aftershock observation of the 2004 off the Kii Peninsula earthquake using ocean bottom seismometers
- Report on DELP 1987 Cruises in the Ogasawara Area : Part III : Seismic Refraction Experiment Using Airgun-OBSH for Fine Crustal Structure across the Ogasawara Trough along East-West Track Line
- 日本周辺海域中新世最末期以降の構造発達史
- Seismological and geological characterization of the crust in the southern part of northern Fossa Magna, central Japan
- Spatial distribution of centroid moment tensor solutions for the 2004 off Kii peninsula earthquakes
- Spatial distribution for moment tensor solutions of the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake (M_ = 8.0) and aftershocks
- Imaging heterogeneous velocity structures and complex aftershock distributions in the source region of the 2007 Niigataken Chuetsu-oki Earthquake by a dense seismic observation (Special section for the 2007 Chuetsu-oki, Niigata, Japan, earthquake)
- Three-dimensional velocity structure in the source region of the Noto Hanto Earthquake in 2007 imaged by a dense seismic observation (Special section for the 2007 Noto Hanto Earthquake (1))
- Crustal structure in and around the region of the 1995 Kobe Earthquake deduced from a wide-angle and refraction seismic exploration
- Crustal Structure in the Central Hokkaido, Japan, from a Seismic Refraction Experiment
- Short-term spatiotemporal variations in the aftershock sequence of the 2004 mid-Niigata prefecture earthquake
- Crustal structure in the northern Fossa Magna region, central Japan, modeled from refraction/wide-angle reflection data
- Report on DELP 1988 Cruises in the Okinawa Trough : Part 3. Crustal structure of the southern Okinawa Trough
- Report on DELP 1987 Cruises in the Ogasawara Area : Part IV : Explosion Seismic Refraction Studies
- Crustal structure of the southwestern margin of the Kuril arc sited in the eastern part of Hokkaido, Japan, inferred from seismic refraction/reflection experiments
- Moho and Philippine Sea plate structure beneath central Honshu Island, Japan, from teleseismic receiver functions
- Multi-fault system of the 2004 Mid-Niigata Prefecture Earthquake and its aftershocks
- 三陸沖におけるプレート境界微小地震の震源分布と反射法地震探査イメージ (沈み込み帯の科学と海洋観測技術) -- (1章 沈み込み帯の地球科学(地球物理))
- Slip distribution of the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake estimated from tsunami waveform inversion
- Hypocenter distribution of plate boundary zone off Fukushima, Japan, derived from ocean bottom seismometer data
- Deep seismic reflection profiling across the Northern Fossa Magna : The ERI 1997 and the JNOC 1996 seismic lines, active faults and geological structures
- O-152 Deep Seismic Reflection Profiling across the Northern Fossa Magna : the ERI 1997 and the JNOC 1996 Seismic Lines, Active Faults and Geological Structure model
- Report on DELP 1985 Cruises in the Japan Sea : Part II : Seismic Refraction Experiment Conducted in the Yamato Basin, Southeast Japan Sea
- Ocean Downhol Seismic Project
- 繰り返す大地震発生のしくみ (特集=日本の地震メカニズムが見えてきた--日本列島の地下構造の解析)
- Seismicity and crustal structure in the vicinity of the southern Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line
- Precise aftershock distribution of the 2007 Chuetsu-oki Earthquake obtained by using an ocean bottom seismometer network
- Imaging heterogeneous velocity structures and complex aftershock distributions in the source region of the 2007 Niigataken Chuetsu-oki Earthquake by a dense seismic observation
- Aftershock observation of the Noto Hanto earthquake in 2007 using ocean bottom seismometers
- Three-dimensional velocity structure in the source region of the Noto Hanto Earthquake in 2007 imaged by a dense seismic observation
- Highly resolved distribution of aftershocks of the 2007 Noto Hanto Earthquake by a dense seismic observation
- Characteristics of deformation structure around the 2007 Niigata-ken Chuetsu-oki earthquake detected by multi-channel seismic reflection imaging
- Well-resolved hypocenter distribution using the double-difference relocation method in the region of the 2007 Chuetsu-oki Earthquake
- 東北地方太平洋沖地震・スマトラ島沖地震における連動型地震の考察
- Near-field tsunami forecasting using offshore tsunami data from the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake
- Precise aftershock distribution and crustal structure in and around the northern focal area of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake
- Spatial distribution of earthquakes off the east coast of the Kanto region along the Japan Trench deduced from ocean bottom seismographic observations and their relations with the aftershock sequence of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake
- Tsunami source of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake
- Aftershock observation of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake by using ocean bottom seismometer network
- A complex rupture image of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake revealed by the MeSO-net
- Remotely-triggered seismicity in the Hakone volcano following the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake
- 日本海溝周辺における太平洋プレート内の地震発生機構
- Seismotectonics in the Tanzawa Mountains area in the Izu-Honshu collision zone of central Japan, as revealed by precisely determined hypocenters and focal mechanisms
- 隣接観測点の情報を用いたRTK-GPSによる地震時永久変位自動検知アルゴリズムの改良
- 隣接観測点の情報を用いたRTK-GPSによる地震時永久変位自動検知アルゴリズムの改良