Theory of Polarization Holography
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2011-10-01
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo
Shimura Tsutomu
Kyoto University Radiation Biology Center
Shimura Tsutomu
Shimura Tsutomu
Institute Of Industrial Science University Of Tokyo
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo
Kuroda K
Department Of Pharmacy Takarazuka City Hospital
Fujimura Ryushi
Institute Of Industrial Science University Of Tokyo
Yoshida Masashi
Institute Of Industrial Science University Of Tokyo
Kuroda Kazuo
Institute Of Industrial Science Umversity Of Tokyo
Shimura Tsutomu
Radiat. Biol. Center. Kyoto. Univ.
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo
- Structural Design of Nonlinear optical Chromophores for High-Performance Photorefractive Polymers
- Differential Absorption in InGaN Multiple Quantum Wells and Epilayers Induced by Blue-Violet Laser Diode
- The Modified High-Density Survival Assay is the Useful Tool to Predict the Effectiveness of Fractionated Radiation Exposure
- Analysis of DNA synthesis in one cell stage mouse embryos fertilized with irradiated sperm.
- Generation of Phase-Conjugate Wave in a Photorefractive GaP at 633 nm
- Two Beam Coupling in Semi-Insulating GaN Film Using Electroabsorption Effect
- Temperature Dependence of Photorefractive Properties of PVK-based Composites
- High-speed TPD-based Photorefractive Polymer Composites
- Characterization of Proton-Irradiated InGaAs/GaAs Multiple Quantum Well Structures by Nonresonant Transient Four-Wave Mixing Technique
- Increased Frequencies of Gene and Chromosome Mutations after X-Irradiation in Mouse Embryonal Carcinoma Cells Transfected with the bcl-2 Gene
- The Effect of Caffeine on p53-Dependent Radioresponses in Undifferentiated Mouse Embryonal Carcinoma Cells after X-ray and UV-irradiations
- Studies on Interactions between Functional Foods or Dietary Supplements and Medicines. III. Effects of Ginkgo biloba Leaf Extract on the Pharmacokinetics of Nifedipine in Rats(Biopharmacy)
- Studies on Interactions between Functional Foods or Dietary Supplements and Medicines. I. Effects of Ginkgo biloba Leaf Extract on the Pharmacokinetics of Diltiazem in Rats(Biopharmacy)
- Studies on Interactions between Traditional Herbal and Western Medicines.V. Effects of Sho-saiko-to (Xiao-Cai-hu-Tang) on the Pharmacokinetics of Carbamazepine in Rats
- Studies on interactions between traditional herbal and Western medicines. III. Effects of Sho-seiryu-to (Tin Chuan Tang) on the pharmacokinetics of phenytoin in rats
- 研究速報 : 0bservation of Thermal Stresses Induced by Laser Irradiation in Transparent Optical Materials
- Studies on Interactions between Functional Foods or Dietary Supplements and Medicines. IV. Effects of Ginkgo biloba Leaf Extract on the Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Nifedipine in Healthy Volunteers(Biopharmacy)
- Studies on Interactions between Traditional Herbal and Western Medicines. I. Effects of Sho-seiryu-to on the Pharmacokinetics of Carbamazepine in Rats
- Characterization by Chemical Etching for Superconducting Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8 Crystals Grown by CO_2-Laser Melting
- 256 X-irradiation to Spermatozoa Executes Delayed Apoptosis, Genomic Instability and Altered Development at Peri-Implantation Stage Mouse Embryos(Apoptosis related, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 150 Domain analysis of p53 in S checkpoint of mouse zygotes(Signal transduction, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- S-2-5 Genomic instability in F1 mice born to irradiated spermatozoa and p53 dependent genomic cross-talk(Radiation Induced Genetical Instability : What Is the Mechanism That a Cell Memorizes Being Irradiated?, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the J
- Delayed apoptosis in mouse embryos fertilized by X-irradiated spermatozoa
- The S-phase checkpoint in mouse zygote fertilized with irradiated sperm
- Protective function of p53 in embryogenesis of sperm-irradiated zygotes
- Suppression of DNA synthesis of maternal pronuclei in one cell stage mouse embryos fertilized with irradiated sperm.
- Clinically relevant radioresistant cells efficiently repair DNA double-strand breaks induced by X-rays
- Suppression of DNA synthesis of maternal pronuclei in one cell stage mouse embiyos fertilized with irradiated sperm.
- Analysis of Current State Regarding the Use of Antihypertensive Drugs to Outpatients at Internal Medicine Departments of General Hospital
- Energetic Oxygen Atoms in RF Sputtering of ZnO : T: Thin Film
- Second Harmonic Generation of a Copper Vapor Laser Using an Anamorphic Optical System
- Differential Absorption in InGaN Multiple Quantum Wells and Epilayers Induced by Blue-Violet Laser Diode
- Observation of Magnetic Induction Distribution by Scanning Interference Electron Microscopy
- Composition Dependence and Electrical Properties of T_c>100 K BiSrCaCuO Superconducting Oxide Films Prepared by Sequential Deposition : High Temperature Superconducting Thin-Films(Solid State Devices and Materials 1)
- Preparation of New High-T_c Superconducting Oxide Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Thin Film by Electron Beam Deposition Technique : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Electron Phase Counting Micromagnetometry Using a Differential Phase Contrast /Interference Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope
- Radiation Effect due to Energetic Oxygen Atoms on Conductive Al-Doped ZnO Films : Surfaces, Interfaces and Films
- Calibration of Vibration Transducers
- Calibration of Gravitational Radiation Antenna by Dynamic Newton Field
- Lifetime Measurement of Cd II by Lamb Dip Method : Spectroscopy
- Convergence and Asymptotic Behavior of the Solution for a High Intensity Single-Mode Gas Laser in the Form of Continued Fractions
- Theory of Polarization Holography
- Highly Stable Host–Guest Photorefractive Polymer Composite with Low Glass Transition Temperature
- Temperature Dependence of Photorefractive Properties of PVK-based Composites
- Generation of Sub 50-fs Mid-Infrared Pulses by Optical Parametric Amplifier Based on Periodically-Poled MgO:LiNbO3
- Structural Design of Nonlinear optical Chromophores for High-Performance Photorefractive Polymers
- Optical Control of Transmittance by Photo-Induced Absorption Effect in InGaN/GaN Structures