Oscillation Phenomena in the Disk around the Massive Black Hole Sagittarius A^*
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2011-10-25
Shen Zhi-qiang
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy Of Sciences
National Astronomical Observatory
Shen Zhi‐qiang
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy Of Sciences
National Astronomical Observatory
Takahashi Rohta
Department Of Astronomy Graduate School Of Science Kyoto University
Miyoshi M
Ngk Insulators Ltd.
Mutoh Mutsumi
Physics Department Science University Of Tokyo
面高 俊宏
Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Kagoshima University
Kato Yoshiaki
National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
OYAMA Tomoaki
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Takahashi Rohta
Department Of Natural And Physical Sciences Tomakomai National College Of Technology
Shen Zhi-qiang
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory
Morimoto Masaki
Division Of Radio Astronomy National Astronomical Observatory
Miyoshi Makoto
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University
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