Rediscovery after thirty years since the last capture of the critically endangered Okinawa spiny rat Tokudaia muenninki in the northern part of Okinawa Island
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The Okinawa spiny rat, Tokudaia muenninki, is a critically endangered species endemic to the northern part of Okinawa Island and may be extinct in the wild as there have been no recent sightings of the animal in its natural habitat. We initiated the present search to determine whether the spiny rat still exists in the northern part of Okinawa Island. Sensor cameras and traps were distributed across areas in which past studies had identified the location of occurrence of spiny rats. From a total of 1,276 camera-nights and 2,096 trap-nights from 2007 to 2009, we captured 24 spiny rats; however, we were only successful in identifying spiny rats in the northernmost of the areas sampled, with no indications of the spiny rat in the more southerly areas. The area in which the spiny rats were still present was estimated to be only 1-3 km2 and is comprised of forest dominated by Castanopsis sieboldii, Lithocarpus edulis, Distylium racemosum and Schima wallichii. The trees range in age from about 30 to more than 100 years old, and have an average height of 12 m (range 7 m-16 m). Our rediscovery of the spiny rat in 2008 comes after an interval of 30 years since the previous trapping study in 1978 and seven years since indirect survey evidence from analysis of feral cat feces 2001. Measures for conservation of the location of the spiny rats are urgently required.
- Mammalogical Society of Japanの論文
- 2010-12-01
河内 紀浩
阿部 慎太郎
Abe Shintaro
Naha Nco. Min. Envi.
河内 紀浩
河内 紀浩
阿部 愼太郎
Kuroiwa Asato
Grad. Sch. Sci. Hokkaido Univ.:cris Hokkaido Univ.
Kuroiwa Asato
Grad. Sch. Life Sci. Biosys. Sci. Hokkaido Univ.:cris Hokkaido Univ.
Kuroiwa Asato
Cent. Adv. Sci. Tech. Hokkaido Univ.:grad. Sch. Environ. Earth Sci. Hokkaido Univ.:fac. Sci. Hokkaid
Kuroiwa Asato
Cris Hokkaido Univ Hokkaido Univ.
Kuroiwa Asato
Laboratory Of Animal Cytogenetics Creative Ressearch Initiative "sousei" Hokkaido Universi
Kuroiwa Asato
Laboratory Of Animal Cytogenetics Center For Advanced Science And Technology Hokkaido University
Kuroiwa Asato
Cast Hokkaido Univ.
Kuroiwa Asato
Laboratory Of Cytogenetics Faculty Of Science Hokkaido University
山田 文雄
Yamada Fumio
Kansai Res. Cen. Ffpri
山田 文雄
Murata Chie
Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Nagoya City University
Kuroiwa Asato
Hokkaido Univ. Hokkaido Jpn
村田 知慧
Kotaka Nobuhiko
Kyushu Research Center Forestry And Forest Products Research Institute
阿部 愼太郎
Yamada Fumio
Forestry And Forest Products Research Institute
Kuroiwa Asato
Graduate School Of Life Science Hokkaido University
Island Ecology Institute
NAKATA Katsushi
Yambaru Wildlife Conservation Center, Ministry of the Environment
Yona Field, Subtropical Field Science Center, Faculty of Agriculture, University of the Ryukyus
Nakata Katsushi
Yambaru Wildlife Conservation Center Ministry Of The Environment
Yamada Fumio
Wildlife Ecology Laboratory Forestry And Forest Products Research Institute
村田 知慧
Takashima Atsushi
Yona Field Subtropical Field Science Center Faculty Of Agriculture University Of The Ryukyus
Kawauchi Norihiko
Island Ecology Institute
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