Production of Starch with Antioxidative Activity by Baking Starch with Organic Acids
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A starch ingredient with antioxidative activity, as measured by the DPPH method, was produced by baking corn starch with an organic acid; it has been named ANOX sugar (antioxidative sugar). The baking temperature and time were fixed at 170 °C and 60 min, and the organic acid used was selected from preliminary trials of various kinds of acid. The phytic acid ANOX sugar preparation showed the highest antioxidative activity, but the color of the preparation was almost black; we therefore selected L-tartaric acid which had the second highest antioxidative activity. The antioxidative activity of the L-tartaric acid ANOX sugar preparation was stable against temperature, light, and enzyme treatments (α-amylase and glucoamylase). However, the activity was not stable against variations in water content and pH value. The antioxidative activity of ANOX sugar was stabilized by treating with boiled water or nitrogen gas, or by pH adjustment.
- 2011-09-23
Nakamura Megumi
Department Of Cardiology Shinshu Univeristy
MIWA Shoji
Department of Natural Resources and Food Processing, Ishikawa Agricultural Research Center
OKUNO Michiko
Iwata Chemical Co., Ltd.
Iwata Chemical Co., Ltd.
Laboratory of Food and Health Science, Department of Agro-Bioscience, Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate
Japan Confectionery and Innovative Food Ingredients Research Center
Japan Confectionery and Innovative Food Ingredients Research Center
Ishikawa Takano
Functional Food Factor Laboratory Food Function Division National Food Research Institute National A
Watanabe Jun
Functional Food Factor Lab. Food Function Div. National Food Res. Inst. National Agriculture And Foo
Miura Makoto
Laboratory Of Food And Health Science Department Of Agro-bioscience Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate Uni
Okuno Michiko
Iwata Chemical Co. Ltd.
Miwa Shoji
Department Of Natural Resources And Food Processing Ishikawa Agricultural Research Center
Takase Nao
Laboratory Of Food And Health Science Department Of Agro-bioscience Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate Uni
Miyazaki Hisako
Iwata Chemical Co. Ltd.
Nakamura Megumi
Department Of Natural Resources And Food Processing Ishikawa Agricultural Research Center
Watanabe Jun
Functional Food Factor Laboratory Food Function Division National Food Research Institute National A
MIURA Makoto
Laboratory of Animal Products Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Tohoku University
Nakamura Megumi
Department of Anatomy and Embryology, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1, Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8575, Japan
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