Erythrocyte zinc concentration as an indicator to distinguish painless thyroiditis-associated transient hypothyroidism from permanent hypothyroidism
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2011-01-01
Department of Clinical and Laboratory Medicine, Tohoku University School of Medicine
Ohta Masahiro
Department Of Cardiology Mie University Graduate School Of Medicine
Mori Kouki
Division Of Nephrology Endocrinology And Vascular Medicine Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medi
Yoshida K
Department Of Medical Technology Tohoku University School Of Health Sciences
Nakagawa Yoshinori
Division Of Nephrology Endocrinology And Vascular Medicine Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medi
Ito Sadayoshi
Division Of Nephrology Endocrinology And Cascular Medicine Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medi
Inoue Minoru
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Ito Sadayoshi
Division Of Nephrology Endocrinology And Vascular Medicine Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medi
Mori Kouki
Division Of Nephrology Endocrinology And Vascular Medicine Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medi
Hoshikawa Saeko
Division Of Nephrology Endocrinology And Vascular Medicine Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medi
Ozaki Hiroshi
Division Of Nephrology Endocrinology And Vascular Medicine Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medi
Inoue Minoru
Department Of Medicine Ohta General Hospital
Ohta Masahiro
Department Of Medicine Ohta General Hospital
Department of Medicine, Ohta General Hospital
Kuriyama Chizuko
Department Of Medicine Ohta General Hospital
Kuriyama Chizuko
Department of General Internal Medicine, Ohta-Nishinouchi Hospital
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