The possibility of studying the lunar ionosphere with the SELENE radio science experiment
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Terra Scientific Pub. Co.の論文
- 2008-04-01
IWATA Takahiro
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
KONO Yusuke
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
NODA Hirotomo
RISE Project, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
RISE Project, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
NABATOV Alexander
Ukrainian Academy of Science
NODA Hirotomo
National Astronomical Observatory
LIU Qinghui
National Astronomical Observatory
河野 裕介
Imamura Takeshi
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Kono Yusuke
Department Of Astronomy Graduate School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Noda Hirotomo
National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan Iwate Jpn
Iwata Takahiro
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Kanagawa Jpn
Iwata Takahiro
Institute Of Space And Astronautical Science Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Liu Qinghui
Liu Qinghui
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Shanghai Chn
Kono Yusuke
Institute Of Astronomy School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Oyama Koh-ichiro
Institute Of Space And Aeronautical Science University Of Tokyo
Matsumoto Koji
Rise Project National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Kono Yusuke
National Astronomical Observatory
FUTAANA Yoshifumi
The Swedish Institute of Space Physics
Nabatov Alexander
Ukrainian Acad. Sci. Kharkov Ukr
Imamura Takeshi
Institute Of Space And Astronautical Science Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
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