Suture-Bridge 法を用いた鏡視下腱板縫合術後経時的MRIの検討
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Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is one of the helpful methods to evaluate the repaired rotator cuff. But one problem of MRI is the halation of the metallic anchors and it is difficult to evaluate foot print and anchor hole. From 2007 we had been operating, performing rotator cuff repair with arthroscopic suture-bridge technique using Panalok loop RC anchors (Mitek) which are constructed with a poly L lactate polymer. We prospectively evaluated the healing process of the repaired rotator cuff and foot print by serial MRI after rotator cuff repair. Twenty patients could be evaluated by serial MRI. The Suture-bridge technique used four panalok loop RC anchors, and fixed these, two anchors at the medial side, and the other two anchors at the lateral side of the foot print. Serial MRI were taken 1,3,6 and 12 months post-operatively. The repaired rotator cuffs and foot print were evaluated on T1-weighted MRI (T1W) and on T2-weighted MRI (T2W). The subjects are 11 males, and 9 females, and their average age was 64.7 years old (51-71). T1W revealed that bone edema of the foot print had been observed in 90% of cases at first examination (1month) and decreased to 20% 3months postoperatively, and bone formation had been examined in the anchor holes 87% cases at 3 months postoperatively, T2W revealed that half of the repaired rotator cuffs had been high intensity at 1,3 months postoperative examination (58%, 33%), and decreased at 6, 12 months(17%, 7%) and low intensity increased at 6, 12 months (33%, 53%). And T2W revealed the clear low density rim on the foot print at 6 months (80%), which could be the remodeling of the tendon-bone junction.
- 2010-08-04
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- Suture-Bridge 法を用いた鏡視下腱板縫合術後経時的MRIの検討
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