Cre-loxP System Confers Cell Lineage-Specific Expression of a Reporter Gene in Murine Preimplantation Development
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1999-12-01
SATO Masahiro
Department of Nuclear Engineering, School of Engineering, Tokai University
Department of Disease-related Gene Regulation Research (Sandoz)
WATANABE Toshiteru
Department of Pediatirics, School of Medicine, Tokai University
Department of DNA Biology, Tokai University School of Medicine
Department of Physiology, Kitasato University School of Medicine
Miyazaki Jun-ichi
Department Of Nutrition And Physiological Chemistry Osaka University Medical School
Miyazaki Jun-ichi
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Kochi University
Watanabe Toshiteru
Department Of Pediatirics School Of Medicine Tokai University
Kimura Minoru
Department Of Dna Biology School Of Medicine Tokai University
Kodama Hisako
Department of Molecular and Developmental Science, Molecular Medicine Research Center, The Institute
Sato Masahiro
Department Of Child Neourology Okayama University Medical School
Yasuoka Yukiko
Department Of Cellular And Molecular Physiology Kitasato University Graduate School Of Medical Scien
Yasuoka Y
Department Of Molecular Life Science School Of Medicine Tokai University
Kodama H
Department Of Molecular And Developmental Science Molecular Medicine Research Center The Institute O
Kimura M
Department Of Molecular Life Science School Of Medicine Tokai University
Sato M
Department Of Molecular And Developmental Science Molecular Medicine Research Center The Institute O
Kodama Hisako
Department Of Molecular And Developmental Science Molecular Medicine Research Center The Institute O
Watanabe Toshiteru
Department Of Molecular And Developmental Science Molecular Medicine Research Center The Institute O
Sato Masahiro
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry The University Of Tokyo:(present Office)k. I. Chemical Research
佐藤 正宏
Department of Molecular and Developmental Science, Molecular Medicine Research Center, The Institute of Medical Sciences, Tokai University
安岡 有紀子
Department of Molecular Life Science, School of Medicine, Tokai University
児玉 久子
Department of Molecular and Developmental Science, Molecular Medicine Research Center, The Institute of Medical Sciences, Tokai University
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