Comparative Activities of Growth Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone in the Direct Stimulation of Local Release of Progesterone from Microdialyzed Ovine Corpora Lutea In Vivo
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1998-08-01
Acosta Tomas
Lab. Of Reproductive Endocrinology Graduate School Of Natural Sci. And Technol. Okayama Univ.
アコスタ トマスj
宮本 明夫
FUKUI Yutaka
Department of Food Production Science, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
Department of Agricultural and Life Science, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medici
Acosta Tomas
Department of Animal Science, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
Fukui Y
Obihiro Univ. Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine Obihiro Jpn
Acosta Tomas
Graduate School Of Natural Science And Technology Okayama University
Fukui Y
Laboratory Of Animal Reproduction Obihiro University Of Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine
Fujise Yoshihiro
Inst. Cetacean Res. Tokyo Jpn
Takemoto Ken-ichi
Department of Animal Science, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Obihiro 080
OHTANI Masayuki
University Farm, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Obihiro 080, Japan
Department of Veterinary Anatomy, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Obihiro
Amaya Montoya
帯広畜産大学 畜産学研究科畜産衛生学
Ohtani M
Obihiro Univ. Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine Obihiro Jpn
Fukui Yutaka
The Institute Of Cetacean Research
Fukui Yutaka
Department Of Food Production Science Obihiro University Of Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine
Miyamoto A
Laboratory Of Animal Genetics And Reproduction Obihiro University Of Agriculture And Veterinary Medi
Acosta T
Department Of Theriogenology Obihiro University Of Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine
Miyamoto Akio
Department Of Agricultural And Life Science Obihiro University Of Agriculture And Veterinary Medicin
Fukui Y
The Institute Of Cetacean Research
Yamada Junzou
Department Of Veterinary Anatomy Obihiro University Of Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine
Takemoto Ken-ichi
Department Of Animal Science Obihiro University Of Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine
Miyamoto Akio
Graduate School Of Animal And Food Hygiene Obihiro Univ. Of Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine
Fukui Yutaka
Department Of Animal Science Obihiro University Of Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine
Miyamoto Akio
Laboratory Of Animal Genetics And Reproduction Obihiro University Of Agriculture And Veterinary Medi
Ohtani Masayuki
University Farm
Department of Agricultural and Life Science, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
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- Intraluteal Release of Progesterone and Prostaglandins during PGF2α-Induced Luteolysis in Ewes: Local Effects of Tumor Necrosis Factor-α
- Effects of Prostaglandin F_ and Nitric Oxide on the Secretory Function of Bovine Luteal Cells
- 非繁殖期における2種類の膣内挿入器具を用いた雌羊の発情誘起と受胎性の比較
- Comparison of Estrus Induction and Subsequent Fertility with Two Different Intravaginal Devices in Ewes during the Non-Breeding Season
- 体外受精および活性化処理されたウシ卵細胞質内カルシウムイオンの動態
- Changes in Plasma Metabolic Hormone Concentrations During the Ovarian Cycles of Japanese Black and Holstein Cattle
- In Vivo Evidence that Local Cortisol Production Increases in the Preovulatory Follicle of the Cow
- Comparative Studies on Lipid Analysis and Ultrastructure in Porcine and Southern Minke Whale (Balaenoptera Bonaerensis) Oocytes
- Relationship between Serum Sex Hormone Concentrations and Histology of Seminiferous Tubules of Captured Baleen Whales in the Western North Pacific during the Feeding Season
- The Pattern of Ovarian Development in the Prepubertal Antarctic Minke Whale (Balaenoptera bonaerensis)
- Relationship Between Physiological Status and Serum Constituent Values in Minke Whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata)
- Metabolic Profiles in Ovulatory and Anovulatory Primiparous Dairy Cows During the First Follicular Wave Postpartum
- A Realization of Multiple Circuit Transfer Functions Using OTA-C Integrator Loop Structure
- The Automatic Counting of Chlorella Using Image Processing and Neural Network(Special Section of Selected Papers from the 13th Workshop on Circuits and Systems in Karuizawa)
- ウシ成熟卵胞を微透析した灌流液中におけるGnRH-immunoreactivityの存在
- Changes in Follicular Vascularity during the First Follicular Wave in Lactating Cows
- 発情周期中およびプロスタグランジンF2α投与後のウシ黄体内でのアンジオポエチンと受容体TieのmRNA発現の変化:黄体退行開始機構への関与の可能性
- ウシ卵胞発育中の顆粒層細胞におけるアンジオポエチン-Tie系のmRNA発現
- Comparison of Fertility of Estrous Synchronized Ewes with Four Different Intravaginal Devices during the Breeding Season
- Effect of Dosage of Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin Combined with a Single Injection of Porcine Follicle-Stimulating Hormone for Superovulation Treatment in Ewes
- Non-Surgical Transfer of Fresh or Frozen-Thawed Ovine Embryos by Laparoscopy
- Ovulation Time in Superovulated Ewes during the Non-Breeding Season
- Effects of Tumor Necrosis Factor α and Interferon γ on the Viability and mRNA Expression of TNF Receptor Type I in Endothelial Cells from the Bovine Corpus Luteum
- Comparative Activities of Growth Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone in the Direct Stimulation of Local Release of Progesterone from Microdialyzed Ovine Corpora Lutea In Vivo
- 不妊発情周期における周期回帰のメカニズム
- Local Release of Progesterone and Oxytocin from Microdialyzed Corpus Luteum in Superovulated Ewes : Characterization during the Non-breeding Season
- Exposure of C57BL/6J Male Mice to an Electric Field Improves Copulation Rates with Superovulated Females
- 非繁殖季節に発情を誘起したヒツジにおいて人工受精後11日目に投与したウシ組換え成長ホルモンの影響
- ウシ形成期黄体において、プロスタグランジンF2αはプロジェステロン生成のためのリポプロテイン利用性を増加させる
- Relationships Between the First Ovulation Postpartum and Polymorphism in Genes Relating to Function of Immunity, Metabolism and Reproduction in High-producing Dairy Cows
- 高泌乳牛の泌乳ピークと持続性が繁殖機能に及ぼす影響
- Intraluteal Release of Progesterone and Prostaglandins during PGF_-Induced Luteolysis in Ewes : Local Effects of Tumor Necrosis Factor-α
- ホルスタイン種乳用牛の周産期における血液と乳成分および体重の変動と分娩後の卵巣活動の関連性
- Basal Levels and GnRH-induced Responses of Peripheral Testosterone and Estrogen in Holstein Bulls with Poor Semen Quality
- 乳牛の分娩後早期初回排卵の有無を決定する分娩前後の栄養代謝状態
- Upregulation of Interferon-stimulated Genes and Interleukin-10 in Peripheral Blood Immune Cells During Early Pregnancy in Dairy Cows
- 乳牛の分娩後早期におけるエストラジオール処置による卵巣機能回復促進効果
- Nutritional Factors That Regulate Ovulation of the Dominant Follicle During the First Follicular Wave Postpartum in High-producing Dairy Cows
- 濃厚飼料の急激な増給や粗飼料品質変動が乳牛の健康と繁殖に及ぼす影響