Transgenic Animals with Various YAC Constructs : Preparation of 400 kb YAC DNA for Microinjection
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The production of transgenic animals with YAC constructs is required for overcoming position effects on transgene expression. The preparation of YAC DNAs for microinjection is a critical factor in the production of transgenic animals carrying large YAC DNA inserts. We report a method for the preparation of 210-400 kb intact YAC DNAs for microinjection. We screened four YAC clones containing the α-lactalbumin gene, glutathione S-transferase alpha class gene, hepatocyte growth factor gene and casein gene family from a human YAC library, and analyzed the location of the genes in the YAC inserts to determine which fragmentation vectors should be used. YAC clones were transferred from their hosts to the CGY2516 yeast strain and fragmented to appropriate lengths to allow YAC copy number amplification. The YAC DNA was prepared and concentrated by filter centrifugation. Two-five ng/μl of intact purified YAC DNA was obtained. The YAC DNA was microinjected into rat embryos and transgenic rats were produced as efficiently as with conventional plasmid constructs.
- 日本繁殖生物学会の論文
- 1997-02-01
YS New Technology Institute, Inc.
Ueda Masatsugu
YS New Technology Institute Inc., Shimotsuga-gun, Tochigi 329-0512, Japan
Ueda M
The Ys Institute Inc.
Ueda Masatsugu
The Ys Inst. Inc.
Ueda Masatsugu
National Institute for Physiological Sciences
Hirabayashi M
National Inst. For Physiological Sciences
Hirabayashi Masumi
Hirabayashi Masumi
信州大学 繊維
Fujiwara Yoshihiro
Department Of Biological Resources And Environmental Science School Of Agricultural Science Nagoya U
YS New Technology Institute. Inc.
Fujiwara Yoshihiro
YS New Technology Institute. Inc., 519 Shimoishibashi, Ishibashi-machi, Shimotsuga-gun, Tochigi 329-
Miwa Masami
YS New Technology Institute. Inc., 519 Shimoishibashi, Ishibashi-machi, Shimotsuga-gun, Tochigi 329-
SUZUKI Takashige
YS New Technology Institute. Inc., 519 Shimoishibashi, Ishibashi-machi, Shimotsuga-gun, Tochigi 329-
Hirao Masao
Ina Research Laboratory Kitayama Labes Co. Ltd.
Takahashi R
The Ys Institute Inc.
Takahashi Ri-ichi
Ys New Technology Institute Inc.
Ueda Masatsugu
Ys New Technology Institute
The YS Institute Inc.
Miwa Masami
Graduate School Of Bioagricultural Sciences Nagoya University
Suzuki T
Department Of Veterinary Science Yamaguchi University
Suzuki T
United Graduate School Of Veterinary Science Yamaguchi University
Hirabayashi Masumi
Ys New Technology Institute Inc.
Fujiwara Yoshihiro
Ys New Technology Institute. Inc.
Ueda Masatsugu
The Ys Institute Inc.
Ueda Masatsugu
Ys New Tchnology Inst. Inc.
Suzuki Takashige
YS New Technology Institute. Inc.
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