Construction of an Expression System for Aqualysin I in Escherichia coli That Gives a Markedly Improved Yield of the Enzyme Protein
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2008-08-23
TOKI Tsutomu
Department of Pediatrics, Hirosaki University School of Medicine
川喜田 正夫
Department of Medicine, Shiga University of Medical Science
Department of Physiological Chemistry, The Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science
Sakaguchi Masayoshi
Department Of Applied Chemistry Kogakuin University
Sakaguchi Masayoshi
Department Of Applied Biological Science Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Department of Applied Chemistry, Kogakuin University
Department of Applied Chemistry, Kogakuin University
Department of Applied Chemistry, Kogakuin University
Kawakita Masao
Department Of Applied Chemistry Kogakuin University
Takezawa Makoto
Department Of Applied Chemistry Kogakuin University
川喜田 正夫
Molecular Glycobiology Research Team For Mechanism Of Aging Tokyo Metropolitan Institute Of Gerontol
Toki Tsutomu
Department Of Applied Chemistry Kogakuin University
Sugahara Yasusato
Department Of Applied Chemistry Kogakuin University
Niimiya Keisuke
Department Of Applied Chemistry Kogakuin University
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